{Kentucky}...Former UK star DeMarcus Cousins will have an Elite Skills Basketball Camp. It was scheduled for Georgetown College on August 1-3rd. Due to what the Bluegrass Stallions are calling an "overwhelming response" it's been moved to the Kentucky Basketball Academy in Lexington. The camp will be for boys and girls ages 7-16 and will run from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. each day. The camp fee is $149 and includes a personal photo taken with Cousins, an autographed 16x20 photo of DeMarcus, an Official Nike Camp Tee shirt, lunch provided by Papa Johns as well as an Official Certificate of Participation. Campers will also receive basketball instruction by DeMarcus as well as members of the Bluegrass Stallions including Stallions Head Coach and former Pitts standout Jaron Brown. For more information about the DeMarcus Cousins Elite Basketball Camp please call 502-863-6303 or email mdilorenzo@bluegrassstallions.com.