Thursday, October 16, 2008
Mingo County Boy Doing His Part.
A Mingo County non-profit group called Save Our Strays has attempted to raise money for over the last three yearsto build an animal shelter in Mingo County. The group has property located near Borderland. But they need thousands of dollars for there dream to come true.
One Delbarton boy fueled by his passion for animals recently started raising money so he could do his part by helping the group. Eight year-old Ethan Erwin recently gave " SOS " President Kathy Thompson a check for $ 60.
Although " SOS " has not reached there monetary goal of building an animal shelter they have been successful in finding thousands of dogs and cats a new home.
One Delbarton boy fueled by his passion for animals recently started raising money so he could do his part by helping the group. Eight year-old Ethan Erwin recently gave " SOS " President Kathy Thompson a check for $ 60.
Although " SOS " has not reached there monetary goal of building an animal shelter they have been successful in finding thousands of dogs and cats a new home.
Cumberland Gap Named Number 1 Fall Trip By A National Magazine.
The Cumberland Gap area of southeastern Kentucky was named the top fall destination in the southern U.S. by Southern Living magazine in its October 2008 edition.
In addition to brilliant foliage, Cumberland Gap -- one of Kentucky’s highest points -- shelters buildings from a long-gone settlement, along with an unparalleled view, the magazine reports in the featured story about the top three Southern destinations for fall travelers.
For more information, contact Cumberland Gap National Historical Park: U.S. 25E, P.O. Box 1848, Middlesboro, KY 40965; or (606) 248-2817.
Southern Living also tapped Greenville, S.C. and Broken Bow, Ok. as the number two and number three fall destinations. The selection of three great autumn journeys is an annual feature in the October issue of Southern Living.
Also, Pine Mountain State Resort Park in Pineville, about 15 miles north of Cumberland Gap and Middlesboro, Ky., was chosen by readers of the Middlesboro Daily News as the best spot to entertain out-of-town guests, the best dining atmosphere and the best place to play golf in the tri-state area of southeastern Kentucky, southwestern Virginia and northeastern Tennessee.
Along with other Kentucky resort parks, Pine Mountain is offering lodge rooms for $50 a night Sunday through Thursday with a coupon that’s available on the parks web site through Dec. 30, 2008.
For more information, contact Pine Mountain at 606-337-3066/ 800-325-1712 or
In addition to brilliant foliage, Cumberland Gap -- one of Kentucky’s highest points -- shelters buildings from a long-gone settlement, along with an unparalleled view, the magazine reports in the featured story about the top three Southern destinations for fall travelers.
For more information, contact Cumberland Gap National Historical Park: U.S. 25E, P.O. Box 1848, Middlesboro, KY 40965; or (606) 248-2817.
Southern Living also tapped Greenville, S.C. and Broken Bow, Ok. as the number two and number three fall destinations. The selection of three great autumn journeys is an annual feature in the October issue of Southern Living.
Also, Pine Mountain State Resort Park in Pineville, about 15 miles north of Cumberland Gap and Middlesboro, Ky., was chosen by readers of the Middlesboro Daily News as the best spot to entertain out-of-town guests, the best dining atmosphere and the best place to play golf in the tri-state area of southeastern Kentucky, southwestern Virginia and northeastern Tennessee.
Along with other Kentucky resort parks, Pine Mountain is offering lodge rooms for $50 a night Sunday through Thursday with a coupon that’s available on the parks web site through Dec. 30, 2008.
For more information, contact Pine Mountain at 606-337-3066/ 800-325-1712 or
Grant Writing Workshops Scheduled
The Kentucky Arts Council will introduce artists, educators and representatives from arts organizations, non-profit community organizations, libraries, downtown development districts and local government agencies to the arts grants and programs available to increase arts participation in Kentucky. The three-hour workshops will be held on dates from October 29 through December 11, 2008, in Elkhorn City, Flemingsburg, Horse Cave, Owensboro, Paducah, Lexington, Covington and Louisville.
Attendees will learn about the details of the state arts agency's Arts Build Communities, Performing Arts on Tour, Folk Arts Project and Teacher Initiated Program grants. The sessions will include tips on writing effective applications, as well as a tutorial on how to navigate through the agency's online grant management system, Kentucky Arts Services OnLine (KASOL).
The workshops will also focus on the Kentucky Peer Advisory Network program and the resources and directories available to identify talented artists for projects and grants including performing, visual, craft, literary, media and teaching artists.
All workshops are free and open to the public, however pre-registration is required. Accessibility services for these workshops are available if noted on registration form. To register, go to:
The Kentucky Arts Council is a state agency in the Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet that creates opportunities for Kentuckians to value, participate in and benefit from the arts. Kentucky Arts Council funding is provided by the Kentucky General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts, which believes that a great nation deserves great art.
NOTE TO EDITORS: See listing below for dates, times and locations of "Writing Grants for Arts Projects" workshops.
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Writing Grants for Arts Projects
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
2:00 – 5:00 p.m. (E.D.T.)
ELKHORN CITYArtists Collaborative Theatre 207 North Patty Loveless Drive Elkhorn City, KY 41522
Thursday, November 6, 2008
2:00 – 5:00 p.m. (E.S.T.)
FLEMINGSBURGFleming County Public Library
202 Bypass Boulevard Flemingsburg, KY 41041
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
2:00 – 5:00 p.m. (C.S.T.)
HORSE CAVEKentucky Repertory Theatre
118 East Main StreetHorse Cave, KY 42749
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
2:00 – 5:00 p.m. (C.S.T.)
OWENSBORORiverPark Center
Field Founder's Room
101 Daviess Street Owensboro, KY 42303
Thursday, November 20, 2008
2:00 – 5:00 p.m. (C.S.T.)
PADUCAHThe Carson Center
Ingram Room100 Kentucky Avenue Paducah, KY 42003
Thursday, December 4, 2008
2:00 – 5:00 p.m. (E.S.T.)
LEXINGTONNorthside Branch of the Lexington Public Library
1733 Russell Cave Road Lexington, KY 40505
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
2:00 – 5:00 p.m. (E.S.T.)
COVINGTONThe Artisan's Enterprise Center
25 West 7th Street Covington, KY 41011
Thursday, December 11, 2008
2:00 – 5:00 p.m. (E.S.T.)
LOUISVILLEKentucky Center for the Performing Arts
Mary Anderson Room501 West Main Street Louisville, KY 40202
Attendees will learn about the details of the state arts agency's Arts Build Communities, Performing Arts on Tour, Folk Arts Project and Teacher Initiated Program grants. The sessions will include tips on writing effective applications, as well as a tutorial on how to navigate through the agency's online grant management system, Kentucky Arts Services OnLine (KASOL).
The workshops will also focus on the Kentucky Peer Advisory Network program and the resources and directories available to identify talented artists for projects and grants including performing, visual, craft, literary, media and teaching artists.
All workshops are free and open to the public, however pre-registration is required. Accessibility services for these workshops are available if noted on registration form. To register, go to:
The Kentucky Arts Council is a state agency in the Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet that creates opportunities for Kentuckians to value, participate in and benefit from the arts. Kentucky Arts Council funding is provided by the Kentucky General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts, which believes that a great nation deserves great art.
NOTE TO EDITORS: See listing below for dates, times and locations of "Writing Grants for Arts Projects" workshops.
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Writing Grants for Arts Projects
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
2:00 – 5:00 p.m. (E.D.T.)
ELKHORN CITYArtists Collaborative Theatre 207 North Patty Loveless Drive Elkhorn City, KY 41522
Thursday, November 6, 2008
2:00 – 5:00 p.m. (E.S.T.)
FLEMINGSBURGFleming County Public Library
202 Bypass Boulevard Flemingsburg, KY 41041
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
2:00 – 5:00 p.m. (C.S.T.)
HORSE CAVEKentucky Repertory Theatre
118 East Main StreetHorse Cave, KY 42749
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
2:00 – 5:00 p.m. (C.S.T.)
OWENSBORORiverPark Center
Field Founder's Room
101 Daviess Street Owensboro, KY 42303
Thursday, November 20, 2008
2:00 – 5:00 p.m. (C.S.T.)
PADUCAHThe Carson Center
Ingram Room100 Kentucky Avenue Paducah, KY 42003
Thursday, December 4, 2008
2:00 – 5:00 p.m. (E.S.T.)
LEXINGTONNorthside Branch of the Lexington Public Library
1733 Russell Cave Road Lexington, KY 40505
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
2:00 – 5:00 p.m. (E.S.T.)
COVINGTONThe Artisan's Enterprise Center
25 West 7th Street Covington, KY 41011
Thursday, December 11, 2008
2:00 – 5:00 p.m. (E.S.T.)
LOUISVILLEKentucky Center for the Performing Arts
Mary Anderson Room501 West Main Street Louisville, KY 40202
Kentucky Attorney General Supports National Teen Driver Safety Week
Attorney General Jack Conway today announced his support for National Teen Driver Safety Week to be held October 19-25, 2008. National Teen Driver Safety Week, observed each year during the third week of October, is designed to educate teens and raise awareness about the tragedy of teen vehicle crashes and encourage youth to drive more safely. This year’s theme, “Passengers,” focuses on increasing passenger awareness of how they may contribute to driver distraction.
“Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in the U.S. and in Kentucky. While teens represent only 6% of Kentucky drivers, they account for 19% of all people involved in injury collisions and 13% of those involved in fatal collisions in the state,” General Conway said.
Also troubling are the statistics on youth alcohol-related crashes. In 2007, 519 teenage drivers were involved in alcohol-related collisions resulting in 12 fatalities, half of which were the teenage driver. According to Kentucky State Police, 3,108 teen drivers between the ages of 16-19 were arrested last year for driving under the influence.
“Working closely with victim’s advocacy groups such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving, our office knows all too well the heartbreak behind these statistics,” said General Conway, who is also a member of the National Association of Attorneys General’s Youth Access to Alcohol Committee. This committee works to keep alcohol out of the hands of minors.
There are several important facts regarding the incidence of teens involved in vehicle crashes. Driver error or speeding is the leading cause of teen driver crashes. Cell phones, texting, food/beverage consumption and loud music are also dangerous distractions.
“Youth drivers need to know that the phone call and texting can wait. There is nothing more important than getting from point A to point B safely,” General Conway said.
Kentucky has taken steps forward in protecting teen drivers through its graduated teen-licensing law and increasing the time young drivers must have adult supervision.
“I also applaud the Kentucky State Police ‘Drive to Stay Alive’ program for teen drivers. However, more needs to be done to ensure students are aware of the severity of a vehicle crash and the very real consequences to themselves, their passengers and the general public of operating a vehicle in an unsafe manner,” General Conway said.
Attorney General Conway now asks that the public join him to help keep our teen drivers and our roadways safe.
“We all- federal, state, local governments and the public- need to support efforts to effectively educate teens and families about ways to address increased safety measures for teen drivers. Now is the time to talk with your children and grandchildren to prevent future tragedies.”
“Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in the U.S. and in Kentucky. While teens represent only 6% of Kentucky drivers, they account for 19% of all people involved in injury collisions and 13% of those involved in fatal collisions in the state,” General Conway said.
Also troubling are the statistics on youth alcohol-related crashes. In 2007, 519 teenage drivers were involved in alcohol-related collisions resulting in 12 fatalities, half of which were the teenage driver. According to Kentucky State Police, 3,108 teen drivers between the ages of 16-19 were arrested last year for driving under the influence.
“Working closely with victim’s advocacy groups such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving, our office knows all too well the heartbreak behind these statistics,” said General Conway, who is also a member of the National Association of Attorneys General’s Youth Access to Alcohol Committee. This committee works to keep alcohol out of the hands of minors.
There are several important facts regarding the incidence of teens involved in vehicle crashes. Driver error or speeding is the leading cause of teen driver crashes. Cell phones, texting, food/beverage consumption and loud music are also dangerous distractions.
“Youth drivers need to know that the phone call and texting can wait. There is nothing more important than getting from point A to point B safely,” General Conway said.
Kentucky has taken steps forward in protecting teen drivers through its graduated teen-licensing law and increasing the time young drivers must have adult supervision.
“I also applaud the Kentucky State Police ‘Drive to Stay Alive’ program for teen drivers. However, more needs to be done to ensure students are aware of the severity of a vehicle crash and the very real consequences to themselves, their passengers and the general public of operating a vehicle in an unsafe manner,” General Conway said.
Attorney General Conway now asks that the public join him to help keep our teen drivers and our roadways safe.
“We all- federal, state, local governments and the public- need to support efforts to effectively educate teens and families about ways to address increased safety measures for teen drivers. Now is the time to talk with your children and grandchildren to prevent future tragedies.”
Biologist To Lead Hike In Letcher County.
Hike to Bad Branch Falls and a preserve overlook known as "High Rock" at 9 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 25, for a spectacular view of the Cumberland Plateau during fall leaf color. Ellis Laudermilk, invertebrate biologist for the Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission, will lead the 7.5-mile round-trip hike at Bad Branch State Nature Preserve in Letcher County.
This hike is strenuous and should only be attempted by people accustomed to rugged hiking. Long pants are recommended and sturdy hiking boots are essential. The hike is estimated to last all day and participants are advised to bring a backpack with lunch and plenty of water. The group will meet in the Bad Branch parking area and leave promptly at 9 a.m.
For reservations and directions to Bad Branch SNP, contact Ellis Laudermilk at or call 502-573-2886, ext. 113, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. This hike is limited to 20 people and is provided at no cost.
Information about the Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission and its mission to protect Kentucky’s natural heritage can be obtained by mail (KSNPC, 801 Schenkel Lane, Frankfort, Ky. 40601-1403), telephone (502-573-2886 or toll free 877-214-6173) or the World Wide Web at (
This hike is strenuous and should only be attempted by people accustomed to rugged hiking. Long pants are recommended and sturdy hiking boots are essential. The hike is estimated to last all day and participants are advised to bring a backpack with lunch and plenty of water. The group will meet in the Bad Branch parking area and leave promptly at 9 a.m.
For reservations and directions to Bad Branch SNP, contact Ellis Laudermilk at or call 502-573-2886, ext. 113, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. This hike is limited to 20 people and is provided at no cost.
Information about the Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission and its mission to protect Kentucky’s natural heritage can be obtained by mail (KSNPC, 801 Schenkel Lane, Frankfort, Ky. 40601-1403), telephone (502-573-2886 or toll free 877-214-6173) or the World Wide Web at (
Fayette County Man Accused Of Identity Theft.

Attorney General Jack Conway today announced that his Department of Criminal Investigations has arrested 21-year-old Alvaro Rojas of Lexington in connection with an identity theft investigation that spans three states.
Investigators arrested Rojas in Georgetown on Tuesday. He is charged with identity theft, a Class D felony. Rojas is currently free from the Scott County Detention Center on $5,000 bail, of which he had to post 10%. A court date has been set for Nov. 16 in Scott County.
Investigators with the Office of the Attorney General began looking into the case after a man in Texas filed his 2007 tax returns and learned that people in three other states were using his Social-Security number for employment and identification purposes.
In addition to the Kentucky arrest, another person has been arrested for using the same Social-Security number in Georgia. There is a case involving the stolen Social-Security number in a third state as well. Authorities cannot comment on an ongoing investigation.
The maximum sentence for identity theft ranges from one to five years in prison, if convicted.
An indictment or arrest is an accusation. A defendant is presumed innocent until or unless found guilty.
Investigators arrested Rojas in Georgetown on Tuesday. He is charged with identity theft, a Class D felony. Rojas is currently free from the Scott County Detention Center on $5,000 bail, of which he had to post 10%. A court date has been set for Nov. 16 in Scott County.
Investigators with the Office of the Attorney General began looking into the case after a man in Texas filed his 2007 tax returns and learned that people in three other states were using his Social-Security number for employment and identification purposes.
In addition to the Kentucky arrest, another person has been arrested for using the same Social-Security number in Georgia. There is a case involving the stolen Social-Security number in a third state as well. Authorities cannot comment on an ongoing investigation.
The maximum sentence for identity theft ranges from one to five years in prison, if convicted.
An indictment or arrest is an accusation. A defendant is presumed innocent until or unless found guilty.
Kentucky Registered Voter Total Sets Record
According to recent figures released by Secretary of State Trey Grayson and the Kentucky State Board of Elections, there are more Kentuckians registered to vote than ever before.
They say, in total, 2,906,809 citizens will appear on Kentucky's voter rolls for the November 4th election, eclipsing the previous record by nearly 50,000.
They say, in total, 2,906,809 citizens will appear on Kentucky's voter rolls for the November 4th election, eclipsing the previous record by nearly 50,000.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Kentucky Faith Communities Immigration Coalition Forms.
On October 14, faith leaders from diverse traditions gathered at the Capitol Rotunda in Frankfort to announce the formation of the Kentucky Faith Communities Immigration Coalition, a statewide coalition of religious and community organizations committed to welcoming immigrants, which has gathered more than 2000 supporting signatures. Rev. Nancy Jo Kemper, Executive Director of the Kentucky Council of Churches, Rev. Charles Knox, Pastor, Iglesia Nueva Vida, Rev. Eliseo A. Mejia-Leiva, Associate Director of Latina/Hispanic Ministries, Kentucky Annual Conference of the United Methodist Churches, Austin Tuning, leader in the Epsicopal Church, Juan Pérez, a local immigrant from Honduras, and Richard Mitchell of the Lexington Friends Meeting spoke about the commitment of their faith communities to carry out God's call to welcome the stranger in our midst.The religious leaders discussed the growing commitment of people of faith to the need for humane and respectful dialogue around such a controversial issue. Rev. Nancy Jo Kemper, Executive Director of the Kentucky Council of Churches stated, "To be clear: this is a very complex issue, that requires careful thought, legislation that is just and fair and that embodies our best traditions as Americans such as valuing the family unit and our national ideals." The council will be meeting later this week and plans to pass a new social creed, vowing to "honor the dignity of every person."Richard Mitchell added, "As people of faith, we are deeply concerned about the direction our country is moving on immigration and how this debate will shape the country we become. We can no longer remain silent. For this reason, Kentucky Faith Communities Immigration Coalition is excited to be a part of a growing movement of faith groups who are taking a stand."Leaders discussed the increased engagement of faith traditions new to the issue. Rev. Charles Knox said, "The evangelical church is waking up – although a little behind the initiative of our Catholic brothers and sisters – evangelicals in Kentucky are recognizing the importance to resolve the issue of immigration wisely, promptly, and by acknowledging the value and dignity of the immigrant community all around us."To demonstrate this commitment, members of Kentucky Faith Communities Immigration Coalition drafted and circulated a petition to raise awareness in their places of worship, collecting in a few short weeks over 1800 pledges of Kentuckians committed "to support laws that affirm [immigrants'] dignity, preserve their families, and acknowledge the value of their presence among us." The diversity of this coalition is represented by signers of various faith traditions - Jewish, Methodist, independent Christian, Episcopalian, Quaker, Catholic and Presbyterian - as well as from across the state, in cities such as, Lexington, Louisville, Sebree, Frankfort, Bardstown, Paris, Harlan, Edmonton, Beverly, and many other Kentucky communities.
Pike County Announces Home Heating Assistance To Begin November 3rd
Pikeville, Ky.—There are two exciting changes this year in the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which is a federal program that assists households with home heating costs during the winter months.
First, this year the Commonwealth can double the amount of help it gave low-income residents last year, because Kentucky will receive more than $68 million in federal funds, rather than the $30 million expected.
Second, this year Pike Countians living in the Phelps area will not have to drive to Pikeville to apply for heating assistance. The Big Sandy Area Community Action Program (BSCAP), which administers the assistance, has decided to open a satellite location at The Intergenerational Center in Freeburn at the request of the Pike County Social Services Department.
“The heating assistance is a godsend for some of the disabled and elderly of our area. With the price of gas, food, medicine, and other necessities today, some Pike County citizens don’t have any money left to heat their homes,” said Pike County Judge/Executive Wayne T. Rutherford.
“Transportation has always been a barrier for those on a fixed income, due to either not having any transportation or not being able to afford gas. So, when the Community Action Program agreed to open a satellite office at the Phelps Intergenerational Center, I was so excited. Now those who live in that area won’t have to drive all the way to Pikeville to apply,” said Pike County Social Services Commissioner Carol Napier.
Applications may be turned in at the BSCAP office at 478 Town Mountain Road in Pikeville, or at The Intergenerational Center at 136 Park Road in Freeburn.
Applications for the program will be taken beginning Nov. 3, for those whose head of household’s last name begins with the letter “A.” Applications for those whose last name begins with the letter “B” will be taken Nov. 5. Applications for those whose last name begins with “X,Y,Z” will be taken Dec. 12. The last day to turn in applications is Dec. 12.
Applicants must bring their most recent heating bill or landlord verification of heating expenses, their Social Security Number or Permanent Resident Card Number for everyone living in their household, and proof of household income for the preceding month, with them when they apply.
Those interesting in applying for the program should call 1-800-456-3452 or 1-800-372-2973, for a complete listing of last name application assignment dates. Interested individuals may also contact the BSCAP at (606) 432-2775 or The Intergenerational Center at (606) 456-4845.
– END –
First, this year the Commonwealth can double the amount of help it gave low-income residents last year, because Kentucky will receive more than $68 million in federal funds, rather than the $30 million expected.
Second, this year Pike Countians living in the Phelps area will not have to drive to Pikeville to apply for heating assistance. The Big Sandy Area Community Action Program (BSCAP), which administers the assistance, has decided to open a satellite location at The Intergenerational Center in Freeburn at the request of the Pike County Social Services Department.
“The heating assistance is a godsend for some of the disabled and elderly of our area. With the price of gas, food, medicine, and other necessities today, some Pike County citizens don’t have any money left to heat their homes,” said Pike County Judge/Executive Wayne T. Rutherford.
“Transportation has always been a barrier for those on a fixed income, due to either not having any transportation or not being able to afford gas. So, when the Community Action Program agreed to open a satellite office at the Phelps Intergenerational Center, I was so excited. Now those who live in that area won’t have to drive all the way to Pikeville to apply,” said Pike County Social Services Commissioner Carol Napier.
Applications may be turned in at the BSCAP office at 478 Town Mountain Road in Pikeville, or at The Intergenerational Center at 136 Park Road in Freeburn.
Applications for the program will be taken beginning Nov. 3, for those whose head of household’s last name begins with the letter “A.” Applications for those whose last name begins with the letter “B” will be taken Nov. 5. Applications for those whose last name begins with “X,Y,Z” will be taken Dec. 12. The last day to turn in applications is Dec. 12.
Applicants must bring their most recent heating bill or landlord verification of heating expenses, their Social Security Number or Permanent Resident Card Number for everyone living in their household, and proof of household income for the preceding month, with them when they apply.
Those interesting in applying for the program should call 1-800-456-3452 or 1-800-372-2973, for a complete listing of last name application assignment dates. Interested individuals may also contact the BSCAP at (606) 432-2775 or The Intergenerational Center at (606) 456-4845.
– END –
South Lake Trail Ride To Be Held Saturday
Lick Creek, KY—This year’s autumn South Lake Trail Ride is Saturday, October 18. As always, the horse ride is free to the public, and participants will be treated to lunch.
The ride will begin at Lick Creek Park at 10 a.m. Participants will travel approximately 9 miles around Fishtrap Lake, and will return to the park at approximately 6 p.m. Lunch for participants will be served at the second campsite at noon.
For more information, please call Brenda Damron at (606) 432-6290, the Pike County District Three Magistrate’s Office at (606) 835-1300 or Norman Stump at (606) 835-7546.
The ride will begin at Lick Creek Park at 10 a.m. Participants will travel approximately 9 miles around Fishtrap Lake, and will return to the park at approximately 6 p.m. Lunch for participants will be served at the second campsite at noon.
For more information, please call Brenda Damron at (606) 432-6290, the Pike County District Three Magistrate’s Office at (606) 835-1300 or Norman Stump at (606) 835-7546.
Early Voting Period Through Nov 1st In West Virginia.
Registered voters in West Virginia can now go the polls and vote . The two week early voting period runs through Saturday, Nov, 1st.
A spokesperson for the Mingo County Clerks Office says people can stop by the office Monday - Friday from 9 am to 5 p.m. to cast their ballot.
The office will also be open on Saturday , October 25th and Saturday, November 1st from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m.
Nearly 30 people have voted so far in Mingo County.
A spokesperson for the Mingo County Clerks Office says people can stop by the office Monday - Friday from 9 am to 5 p.m. to cast their ballot.
The office will also be open on Saturday , October 25th and Saturday, November 1st from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m.
Nearly 30 people have voted so far in Mingo County.
Floyd County Man Sought By Police.

The Kentucky State Police says that an arrest warrant has been issued for 33 year-old Wesley G. Martin of Wayland.
The Floyd County resident has been charged with 1st degree
Martin is accused of shooting Bobby Brady of Wayland in the stomach and neck. The victim is recuperating from his injuries at a hospital. The incident took place Saturday night around 10:00 p.m.
If anyone has any information on the location of Wesley G. Martin call the Kentucky State Police at 606-433-7711.
Kentucky Foliage Report.
Eastern Kentucky
At Carter Caves State Resort Park, many leaves have turned and fallen off over the weekend. We still have some green in the canopy which will quickly turn after the cool weather hits this weekend. We have experienced approximately 65-70 percent color change at the park and expect to peak next week.
OCTOBER 17 – 18: Carter Caves Haunted Trail - The ghouls and goblins have risen from the underground world at Carter Caves to scare you silly on these two weekends! Come and take the walk through our 1/2 mile haunted trail, if you dare -- and don't forget to bring your "Mummy."
Our past trail survivors consider Carter Caves Haunted Trail to be one of the best Haunted Trails in the region. Trail admission is $7.00 per person. Concessions will be sold at the beginning of the trail. This activity is not recommended for young children. Transportation to and from the trailhead will be provided by the park. Ticket sales are held on each night of the event from 7:30pm - 10:00pm at Carter Caves Public
At Jenny Wiley State Resort Park, near Prestonsburg, red, yellow, and orange colors show everywhere. This week trees with great color are sourwoods, tulip tree, sugar maple, red maple, sassafras and spice bush.
The third week of October is predicted to be peak color this fall.
Remember to make your reservations for the Elk Viewing tours. Bull elk are bugling throughout the hills of Eastern Kentucky with over 100 elk being sited each tour--a great time for viewing. Also plan to enjoy the Haunted Hay Ride October 17-18 and 24-25 at the campground.
At Natural Bridge State Resort Park in Slade the forest’s fall color display has increased to approximately a 35-50 percent color change depending on location. On the ridge tops beautiful shades of red can be seen on sourwood, red maple, and black gum. In the valleys, the sugar maple and walnut leaves are increasing in color adding various yellows and oranges to the fall color palette. White oaks are beginning to show some muted reds. Typically, the peak of fall color at Natural Bridge is during the last two weeks of October. Bring the whole family and join special guest performers, John Tierney and Anne MacFie on Thursday, October 30 at 8 p.m. for "Spooky Songs and Scary Tales" in the activities center.
At Pine Mountain State Resort Park, the fall color transformation continues to advance toward peak conditions across southeastern Kentucky with displays presently ranging from 40 – 60 percent depending on slope and exposure. Trees and shrubs that are particularly colorful at this time include red and sugar maples, dogwood, and sumac. Rain will be needed in the next 5-7 days in order if this year’s autumn display is to achieve its full potential.
Fall is well underway at the Cumberland Falls State Resort Park, with about 40 percent color change. Dogwoods, Maples, Sourwoods, and Sumacs are displaying their full red glory. Some maples and sassafras are showing hints of orange, and the redbuds, basswoods, and Tulip Tree are showing off in yellow. Hickories are beginning their golden change and the Beech is starting a nice tan color. Some oaks are beginning their change as well with brown and red their dominant colors. Peak will be in about a week to 10 days based upon the current rate of change.
North Central Kentucky
At Big Bone Lick State Park, in Union, the leaves of many different trees are now starting to fall quite steadily with the weather turning much colder. Among the most colorful leaves right now are the tulip poplar leaves. The best viewing of the fall leaves is from the park looking outwards toward the surrounding hills. From the top hill of the lake you can peer out and see the many colors of fall. The mixing of the yellows, browns, reds, oranges and greens makes for a truly awesome and spectacular sight.
Although autumn color is taking its time arriving at Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest near Clermont, colorful leaves, fruits and flowers can be seen everywhere. Green leaves are touched by gold, crimson, orange or soft brown throughout the gardens and forest. Seasonal color includes the stunning crimson leaves of black tupelo and red maple trees and the spectacular lime-yellow leaves of the ‘golden rey’ lacebark elm tree. The scarlet and orange leaves of sassafras and sumac also top the list of the some of our early fall show-offs, as do the stately bald cypress trees with their orangey brown leaves that drop only to create a beautiful soft brown carpet beneath the trees. Finally, the yellow leaves of American yellowwood, sweet gum and big leaf magnolia signal that fall has arrived.
Ornamental plants with outstanding autumn fruit set and color in the Arboretum include ‘Sundance’ and ‘byer’s golden’ possum haw holly with loads of cherry red and soft-yellow fruits, respectively. The red-fruited "Red splendor’, yellow-fruited ‘Canary’ and red-orange fruited ‘Indian-magic’ crabapple trees are a delightful sight, as well.
Fall color from autumn-blooming shrubs and perennials at Bernheim include pale-pink glossy abelia blooms, pale-pink ‘Frosty Morn’ stone crop flower heads, the lavender-blue flowering bluebeard and chaste tree shrubs, magenta-purple blazing star flowers, lavender-blue blooms of New England aster and blush-pink gaura blossoms.
Plan to attend COLORFEST, Bernheim’s fall festival on October 18-19.
Come out to delight in nature’s vivid fall colors and enjoy family fun, entertainment, great food and hands-on explorations.
At Buckley Wildlife Sanctuary, near Frankfort/Versailles, the sugar maples are golden, red maples and sassafras are crimson, hackberry and box elder are yellow, oaks are brown, and white ash are maroon.
The colors are not as vivid as wetter years. We predict that weekend of the 25th and 26th of October will be the best for colors in the Frankfort/Versailles area.
South Central Kentucky
At the Lake Cumberland State Resort Park area, near Jamestown, there is about 45 to 50 percent change. Here you will see some yellows and browns in the tulip, maple, beech, hickories, walnut and paw paws. Some red and browns can be spotted in the dogwood, maple, black gum, oaks and sumac. Due to the hot, dry weather color change has been slow this fall. The predicted peak color should be October 19 - 25.
Dale Hallow Lake State Resort Park, near Burkesville, has about a 45 percent color change. Tulip poplars and paw paws bright yellow shows out as well as a few elms. Maples are changing to a fiery orange red. Black gums, sassafras, and shining sumac are very evident along the roadsides as they are changing to a deep burgundy red. Colors are changing and fading fast this year, so make plans now to visit and see the fall colors.
For a spooky good time, when leaves will be near their peak, attend the Haunted Hollow Hotel (October 25) where you can hear the sounds of Elvis in the dining room, trick-or-treat, ride on a haunted hayride, and enjoy other spooky activities such as pumpkin carving contest and tie-dye t-shirts. Also make plans for the Beginners Caving Weekend (Nov 7-9) to enjoy the outdoor colors even more. For more information on the changing colors or special events call 800-325-2282.
The roadsides in Mammoth Cave National Park are beautiful with fall color. A drive through the park, or a paddle on Green River, or a hike in the backcountry will thrill those who claim autumn as their favorite month. The park is at about 50 percent color change. Coming up on October 17-18, take part in Mammoth Cave's Genealogy Seminars and Cemetery Workshop. These events are open to the public and free of charge; please note the venues are outside the park.
The Genealogy Seminar begins at 6:30 p.m., Friday, October 17 at the Lions Club in Park City, Kentucky. The Lions Club building is accessed from Brown Road, and is located right behind Bell's Tavern Historical Park. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information, contact Ranger Joy Lyons, 270-758-2435, or by email at
Western Kentucky
Wherever you look into the canopy of the more than 700 acres of forest at John James Audubon State Park in Henderson, Ky., the dominant color is green. But a walk along the any of our more than six miles of trails displays an array of autumn colors dominated by the scarlet-colored Virginia creeper, the gold of the tulip poplar and the basswood, and the golden brown oak leaves. All of this is punctuated with the brilliant red berries of the Hawthorne, the Dogwood and the Holly.
Until October 27, nationally known artist, Devere Burt, is featured with Mary Louise Holt in our Audubon Museum gallery. Burt’s work depicts the life and times of John James Audubon as he lived and worked in the Great Ohio Valley. Holt’s exhibit features the lives of the American Indian during the mid-nineteenth century. The Museum is open from 10 a.m.
until 5 p.m. daily.
The third Friday of each month finds area artists enjoying the camaraderie of the Artists Retreats at the Audubon Museum.
Pre-registration is required. Bring your own art and supplies. The annual Fall Golf Classic will be played on Saturday, October 18 at Henderson Municipal city Golf Course and on Sunday, October 19 at Audubon Golf Course. Call (270) 826-2247 for details on all programs.
The leaves at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park and Pennyrile State Forest, near Dawson Springs, are about 40 percent changed which means that faint color is seen in the forest. Although much of the forest remains green, maples, elms, sycamores, tulip poplars and walnuts have begun to show off their yellows. Of the red color that can be seen in the forest, much is coming from black gums (always one of the first trees to change), maples, sumac and sassafras. Two vines are also showing off some beautiful shades of reds - poison ivy and Virginia creeper. Devil’s walking stick and dogwood are two other small trees that are showing off yellow, purple or pink. Unfortunately, many of the dogwoods are not as showy as in years past. Color is muted and many are barely turning before they turn brown. Although the drought is affecting fall color there is still lots of pretty colors to be seen in the forest.
Register now for Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park's digital Fall Photography Weekend, October 17-19. Besides abundant natural beauty, the weekend consists of a photo contest with point-and-shoot, intermediate, and masters divisions, evening programs, critique and award ceremony.
Bring your own camera. Registration is $30 but register by October 11 and receive a $5 discount. Children ages 16 and under, may participate for a fee of $10. Participants can receive a 10 percent discount on lodging. Contact park Naturalist, Rebecca Clark, at 800-325-1711 or email her at for more information
At Land Between the Lakes, the recent rains have made the colors of many trees stick around for another great week of color. We are seeing deep oranges and yellows dotting shorelines, and roadsides as the sugar maples are in full color. The crimson reds of dogwoods, black gums, sweet gums intermix with the just beginning yellows of hickories, and the golden browns of oaks.
One of the prettiest drives in Land Between the Lakes is the road to Nevell Bay and Prior Bay. Along this drive you will mix the color of the trees with the reflective surface of the waters.
At Carter Caves State Resort Park, many leaves have turned and fallen off over the weekend. We still have some green in the canopy which will quickly turn after the cool weather hits this weekend. We have experienced approximately 65-70 percent color change at the park and expect to peak next week.
OCTOBER 17 – 18: Carter Caves Haunted Trail - The ghouls and goblins have risen from the underground world at Carter Caves to scare you silly on these two weekends! Come and take the walk through our 1/2 mile haunted trail, if you dare -- and don't forget to bring your "Mummy."
Our past trail survivors consider Carter Caves Haunted Trail to be one of the best Haunted Trails in the region. Trail admission is $7.00 per person. Concessions will be sold at the beginning of the trail. This activity is not recommended for young children. Transportation to and from the trailhead will be provided by the park. Ticket sales are held on each night of the event from 7:30pm - 10:00pm at Carter Caves Public
At Jenny Wiley State Resort Park, near Prestonsburg, red, yellow, and orange colors show everywhere. This week trees with great color are sourwoods, tulip tree, sugar maple, red maple, sassafras and spice bush.
The third week of October is predicted to be peak color this fall.
Remember to make your reservations for the Elk Viewing tours. Bull elk are bugling throughout the hills of Eastern Kentucky with over 100 elk being sited each tour--a great time for viewing. Also plan to enjoy the Haunted Hay Ride October 17-18 and 24-25 at the campground.
At Natural Bridge State Resort Park in Slade the forest’s fall color display has increased to approximately a 35-50 percent color change depending on location. On the ridge tops beautiful shades of red can be seen on sourwood, red maple, and black gum. In the valleys, the sugar maple and walnut leaves are increasing in color adding various yellows and oranges to the fall color palette. White oaks are beginning to show some muted reds. Typically, the peak of fall color at Natural Bridge is during the last two weeks of October. Bring the whole family and join special guest performers, John Tierney and Anne MacFie on Thursday, October 30 at 8 p.m. for "Spooky Songs and Scary Tales" in the activities center.
At Pine Mountain State Resort Park, the fall color transformation continues to advance toward peak conditions across southeastern Kentucky with displays presently ranging from 40 – 60 percent depending on slope and exposure. Trees and shrubs that are particularly colorful at this time include red and sugar maples, dogwood, and sumac. Rain will be needed in the next 5-7 days in order if this year’s autumn display is to achieve its full potential.
Fall is well underway at the Cumberland Falls State Resort Park, with about 40 percent color change. Dogwoods, Maples, Sourwoods, and Sumacs are displaying their full red glory. Some maples and sassafras are showing hints of orange, and the redbuds, basswoods, and Tulip Tree are showing off in yellow. Hickories are beginning their golden change and the Beech is starting a nice tan color. Some oaks are beginning their change as well with brown and red their dominant colors. Peak will be in about a week to 10 days based upon the current rate of change.
North Central Kentucky
At Big Bone Lick State Park, in Union, the leaves of many different trees are now starting to fall quite steadily with the weather turning much colder. Among the most colorful leaves right now are the tulip poplar leaves. The best viewing of the fall leaves is from the park looking outwards toward the surrounding hills. From the top hill of the lake you can peer out and see the many colors of fall. The mixing of the yellows, browns, reds, oranges and greens makes for a truly awesome and spectacular sight.
Although autumn color is taking its time arriving at Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest near Clermont, colorful leaves, fruits and flowers can be seen everywhere. Green leaves are touched by gold, crimson, orange or soft brown throughout the gardens and forest. Seasonal color includes the stunning crimson leaves of black tupelo and red maple trees and the spectacular lime-yellow leaves of the ‘golden rey’ lacebark elm tree. The scarlet and orange leaves of sassafras and sumac also top the list of the some of our early fall show-offs, as do the stately bald cypress trees with their orangey brown leaves that drop only to create a beautiful soft brown carpet beneath the trees. Finally, the yellow leaves of American yellowwood, sweet gum and big leaf magnolia signal that fall has arrived.
Ornamental plants with outstanding autumn fruit set and color in the Arboretum include ‘Sundance’ and ‘byer’s golden’ possum haw holly with loads of cherry red and soft-yellow fruits, respectively. The red-fruited "Red splendor’, yellow-fruited ‘Canary’ and red-orange fruited ‘Indian-magic’ crabapple trees are a delightful sight, as well.
Fall color from autumn-blooming shrubs and perennials at Bernheim include pale-pink glossy abelia blooms, pale-pink ‘Frosty Morn’ stone crop flower heads, the lavender-blue flowering bluebeard and chaste tree shrubs, magenta-purple blazing star flowers, lavender-blue blooms of New England aster and blush-pink gaura blossoms.
Plan to attend COLORFEST, Bernheim’s fall festival on October 18-19.
Come out to delight in nature’s vivid fall colors and enjoy family fun, entertainment, great food and hands-on explorations.
At Buckley Wildlife Sanctuary, near Frankfort/Versailles, the sugar maples are golden, red maples and sassafras are crimson, hackberry and box elder are yellow, oaks are brown, and white ash are maroon.
The colors are not as vivid as wetter years. We predict that weekend of the 25th and 26th of October will be the best for colors in the Frankfort/Versailles area.
South Central Kentucky
At the Lake Cumberland State Resort Park area, near Jamestown, there is about 45 to 50 percent change. Here you will see some yellows and browns in the tulip, maple, beech, hickories, walnut and paw paws. Some red and browns can be spotted in the dogwood, maple, black gum, oaks and sumac. Due to the hot, dry weather color change has been slow this fall. The predicted peak color should be October 19 - 25.
Dale Hallow Lake State Resort Park, near Burkesville, has about a 45 percent color change. Tulip poplars and paw paws bright yellow shows out as well as a few elms. Maples are changing to a fiery orange red. Black gums, sassafras, and shining sumac are very evident along the roadsides as they are changing to a deep burgundy red. Colors are changing and fading fast this year, so make plans now to visit and see the fall colors.
For a spooky good time, when leaves will be near their peak, attend the Haunted Hollow Hotel (October 25) where you can hear the sounds of Elvis in the dining room, trick-or-treat, ride on a haunted hayride, and enjoy other spooky activities such as pumpkin carving contest and tie-dye t-shirts. Also make plans for the Beginners Caving Weekend (Nov 7-9) to enjoy the outdoor colors even more. For more information on the changing colors or special events call 800-325-2282.
The roadsides in Mammoth Cave National Park are beautiful with fall color. A drive through the park, or a paddle on Green River, or a hike in the backcountry will thrill those who claim autumn as their favorite month. The park is at about 50 percent color change. Coming up on October 17-18, take part in Mammoth Cave's Genealogy Seminars and Cemetery Workshop. These events are open to the public and free of charge; please note the venues are outside the park.
The Genealogy Seminar begins at 6:30 p.m., Friday, October 17 at the Lions Club in Park City, Kentucky. The Lions Club building is accessed from Brown Road, and is located right behind Bell's Tavern Historical Park. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information, contact Ranger Joy Lyons, 270-758-2435, or by email at
Western Kentucky
Wherever you look into the canopy of the more than 700 acres of forest at John James Audubon State Park in Henderson, Ky., the dominant color is green. But a walk along the any of our more than six miles of trails displays an array of autumn colors dominated by the scarlet-colored Virginia creeper, the gold of the tulip poplar and the basswood, and the golden brown oak leaves. All of this is punctuated with the brilliant red berries of the Hawthorne, the Dogwood and the Holly.
Until October 27, nationally known artist, Devere Burt, is featured with Mary Louise Holt in our Audubon Museum gallery. Burt’s work depicts the life and times of John James Audubon as he lived and worked in the Great Ohio Valley. Holt’s exhibit features the lives of the American Indian during the mid-nineteenth century. The Museum is open from 10 a.m.
until 5 p.m. daily.
The third Friday of each month finds area artists enjoying the camaraderie of the Artists Retreats at the Audubon Museum.
Pre-registration is required. Bring your own art and supplies. The annual Fall Golf Classic will be played on Saturday, October 18 at Henderson Municipal city Golf Course and on Sunday, October 19 at Audubon Golf Course. Call (270) 826-2247 for details on all programs.
The leaves at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park and Pennyrile State Forest, near Dawson Springs, are about 40 percent changed which means that faint color is seen in the forest. Although much of the forest remains green, maples, elms, sycamores, tulip poplars and walnuts have begun to show off their yellows. Of the red color that can be seen in the forest, much is coming from black gums (always one of the first trees to change), maples, sumac and sassafras. Two vines are also showing off some beautiful shades of reds - poison ivy and Virginia creeper. Devil’s walking stick and dogwood are two other small trees that are showing off yellow, purple or pink. Unfortunately, many of the dogwoods are not as showy as in years past. Color is muted and many are barely turning before they turn brown. Although the drought is affecting fall color there is still lots of pretty colors to be seen in the forest.
Register now for Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park's digital Fall Photography Weekend, October 17-19. Besides abundant natural beauty, the weekend consists of a photo contest with point-and-shoot, intermediate, and masters divisions, evening programs, critique and award ceremony.
Bring your own camera. Registration is $30 but register by October 11 and receive a $5 discount. Children ages 16 and under, may participate for a fee of $10. Participants can receive a 10 percent discount on lodging. Contact park Naturalist, Rebecca Clark, at 800-325-1711 or email her at for more information
At Land Between the Lakes, the recent rains have made the colors of many trees stick around for another great week of color. We are seeing deep oranges and yellows dotting shorelines, and roadsides as the sugar maples are in full color. The crimson reds of dogwoods, black gums, sweet gums intermix with the just beginning yellows of hickories, and the golden browns of oaks.
One of the prettiest drives in Land Between the Lakes is the road to Nevell Bay and Prior Bay. Along this drive you will mix the color of the trees with the reflective surface of the waters.
Pikeville College Announces Cutbacks
The Board of Trustees of Pikeville College has announced a restructuring of the undergraduate school so that it can continue its successful operations in the future. During the past year, the college has incurred a number of various expenses that exceeded the budget which were similarly incurred by many businesses including power, fuel and health care. In addition, the recent stock market decline has impacted the endowment fund. While the fund is well diversified and strongly managed, all colleges have suffered a decline in value which will take time to rebuild. In addition, there has been a decline in undergraduate enrollment over the last several years, due to a variety of reasons, but in large part resulting from the decline in high school enrollment in Pike County and Eastern Kentucky, which represents the core of our student body. Accordingly, the Board has approved management’s recommendations to make certain budget reductions effective immediately.
In the overall restructuring plan, the number of support staff positions has been reduced by 25. Up to 15 faculty positions will also be reduced over the next year and a half. Discretionary expenses for the 2008-2009 academic year have also been reduced.
Over the past few years, the college has expanded its offerings of undergraduate programs in order to provide new opportunities for students and to meet the needs of the region. In the restructuring, every effort is being made to continue the programs necessary for a strong liberal arts and sciences college.
The medical school continues to be in a strong financial position. It will not experience any budget reductions.
By acting now, the Board is strategically repositioning the college to address the economic reality many colleges and universities are facing across the country. While the Board of Trustees regrets the need for these reductions, the principles of prudent management require that they be done, and in doing so, the college will position itself to move forward with a stronger financial structure in the future. Once the current economic conditions improve, the college will be in a position for continued growth and prosperity.
In the overall restructuring plan, the number of support staff positions has been reduced by 25. Up to 15 faculty positions will also be reduced over the next year and a half. Discretionary expenses for the 2008-2009 academic year have also been reduced.
Over the past few years, the college has expanded its offerings of undergraduate programs in order to provide new opportunities for students and to meet the needs of the region. In the restructuring, every effort is being made to continue the programs necessary for a strong liberal arts and sciences college.
The medical school continues to be in a strong financial position. It will not experience any budget reductions.
By acting now, the Board is strategically repositioning the college to address the economic reality many colleges and universities are facing across the country. While the Board of Trustees regrets the need for these reductions, the principles of prudent management require that they be done, and in doing so, the college will position itself to move forward with a stronger financial structure in the future. Once the current economic conditions improve, the college will be in a position for continued growth and prosperity.
Big Sandy Escapee Captured
Johnson County Sheriff's Deputies say Andrew Lee was caught Tuesday in Canton, North Carolina after he walked away from a work detail at the Big Sandy Jail's Paintsvill Recreation Center two weeks ago.
Lee thought he was meeting someone in North Carolina who would take hime to Mexico, but North Carolina police were waiting to take him back to jail. Johnson County and Carroll County Sheriff's Deputies had coordinated the plan which ended in Lee being captured.
Lee thought he was meeting someone in North Carolina who would take hime to Mexico, but North Carolina police were waiting to take him back to jail. Johnson County and Carroll County Sheriff's Deputies had coordinated the plan which ended in Lee being captured.
Morehead Psychologist Pleads Guilty To Child Pornography
Chad B. Stafford, 36, of Morehead, a psychologist who worked with children from first through twelfth grades, pleaded guilty Tuesday to a charge of receipt of child pornography.
He admitted using a peer-to-peer file sharing program to download at least 300 images of chold pronography, some including children between ages four and six, from September until December, 2007. He will be sentenced March 9, and could receive from five to 20 years in prison.
He admitted using a peer-to-peer file sharing program to download at least 300 images of chold pronography, some including children between ages four and six, from September until December, 2007. He will be sentenced March 9, and could receive from five to 20 years in prison.
Fatal ATV Accident
A fatal accident occured last night in Dana...Floyd County. Mark Kidd, 35, of Betsy Layne lost control of his 2008 Honda TRX500 on Justice Branch, hit a fence post, returned to the roadway and overturned. Kidd was eventually ejected from the machine and landed in the creek.
He was pronounced dead at the scene by Floyd County Deputy Coroner Roger Rowe. The accident is being investigated by the Kentucky State Police.
He was pronounced dead at the scene by Floyd County Deputy Coroner Roger Rowe. The accident is being investigated by the Kentucky State Police.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Floyd County Looking To Bring 911 System Into The County.
Floyd County Judge-Executive R.D. Doc Marshall says that they are exploring the possibility of bringing back a 911 system into the county.
Prestonsburg residents have a 911 system all other emergency calls are directed to the Kentucky State Police in Pikeville.
Marshall says if a 911 system is brought back into the county calls would be answered by dispatchers in Prestonsburg.
Prestonsburg residents have a 911 system all other emergency calls are directed to the Kentucky State Police in Pikeville.
Marshall says if a 911 system is brought back into the county calls would be answered by dispatchers in Prestonsburg.
Eyesore Torn Down

Pikeville, Ky.—Pike County Judge/Executive Wayne T. Rutherford and Pike County District Six Magistrate Chris Harris were on hand in Hardy, Tuesday morning, to witness a crew from the Pike County Solid Waste Department tear down the third blighted house that has been demolished via a public nuisance ordinance passed by Pike County Fiscal Court in June of 2007.
“Clearing these houses will bring value to Pike County in many ways. It will protect children from entering the unstable structures and hurting themselves. It will eventually increase the availability of middle income housing by creating cleared, buildable land that will be used for that purpose, and it will also improve Pike County’s tourism industry, by enhancing the beauty of the routes that tourists must take to get to their destinations,” said Pike County Judge/Executive Wayne T. Rutherford.
Rutherford also expressed his appreciation Tuesday, for the local fire departments, the sheriff’s department, the Pike County Attorney’s Office and the other entities who have helped the Pike County Fiscal Court since it began enforcing its nuisance ordinance in June of 2008.
“The Fiscal Court and the Solid Waste Department would not be able to clear these buildings without the aid of local fire departments and law enforcement, such as Belfry Fire Department Chief Nee Jackson and Belfry Volunteer Firefighter Brad Hatfield, who came out today to help direct traffic during the demolition. In this endeavor, as in all of our endeavors, it takes the support of the entire community in order for the county government to accomplish things successfully, and we appreciate all who help us,” Rutherford said.
“The Pike County Fiscal Court is serious about continuing to clean up Pike County. We've come a long way, but we still have a way to go,” said Harris.
“I'm excited to see our new public nuisance ordinance put into action throughout the county. We have so many old, abandoned structures in Pike County that need to be torn down and this ordinance finally gives us the ability to address these unsightly and sometimes dangerous hazards. I encourage folks who may have one of these dilapidated buildings in their neighborhood to contact their Magistrate's office to find out what steps need to be taken to get their structure on our list of potential sites,” Harris added.
Pike County’s public nuisance ordinance calls for the removal of structures that create dangers to the public health, welfare and/or safety. The ordinance also creates a procedure for removing nuisance structures while protecting the rights of property owners. The county removed its first nuisance structure in Shelbiana in June, almost exactly one year after the ordinance was passed.
– END –
“Clearing these houses will bring value to Pike County in many ways. It will protect children from entering the unstable structures and hurting themselves. It will eventually increase the availability of middle income housing by creating cleared, buildable land that will be used for that purpose, and it will also improve Pike County’s tourism industry, by enhancing the beauty of the routes that tourists must take to get to their destinations,” said Pike County Judge/Executive Wayne T. Rutherford.
Rutherford also expressed his appreciation Tuesday, for the local fire departments, the sheriff’s department, the Pike County Attorney’s Office and the other entities who have helped the Pike County Fiscal Court since it began enforcing its nuisance ordinance in June of 2008.
“The Fiscal Court and the Solid Waste Department would not be able to clear these buildings without the aid of local fire departments and law enforcement, such as Belfry Fire Department Chief Nee Jackson and Belfry Volunteer Firefighter Brad Hatfield, who came out today to help direct traffic during the demolition. In this endeavor, as in all of our endeavors, it takes the support of the entire community in order for the county government to accomplish things successfully, and we appreciate all who help us,” Rutherford said.
“The Pike County Fiscal Court is serious about continuing to clean up Pike County. We've come a long way, but we still have a way to go,” said Harris.
“I'm excited to see our new public nuisance ordinance put into action throughout the county. We have so many old, abandoned structures in Pike County that need to be torn down and this ordinance finally gives us the ability to address these unsightly and sometimes dangerous hazards. I encourage folks who may have one of these dilapidated buildings in their neighborhood to contact their Magistrate's office to find out what steps need to be taken to get their structure on our list of potential sites,” Harris added.
Pike County’s public nuisance ordinance calls for the removal of structures that create dangers to the public health, welfare and/or safety. The ordinance also creates a procedure for removing nuisance structures while protecting the rights of property owners. The county removed its first nuisance structure in Shelbiana in June, almost exactly one year after the ordinance was passed.
– END –
Salyersville Man Arrested On Sex Charges
The Kentucky State Police arrested 28-year old Walter Edward Hardin of Salyersville. He was charged with unlawful use of electronic means to induce a minor to engage in sexual activities.
The arrest came following an online undercover investigation by the KSP Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force in which troopers say he traveled to Lexington to meet a 15-year old girl for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity.
The KSP say Walter Hardin is the son of Magoffin County Judge-Executive Charles "Doc" Hardin, who appointed his son to the post of Magoffin County Deputy Judge-Executive. He has been placed on administrative leave.
The arrest came following an online undercover investigation by the KSP Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force in which troopers say he traveled to Lexington to meet a 15-year old girl for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity.
The KSP say Walter Hardin is the son of Magoffin County Judge-Executive Charles "Doc" Hardin, who appointed his son to the post of Magoffin County Deputy Judge-Executive. He has been placed on administrative leave.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Pond Creek Native Honored during U.S. 119 Ceremony

Saturday, October 11, county and highway officials honored a man whose home was located on what is now a portion of the new highway.
During the ceremony, Pike County Judge/Executive Wayne T. Rutherford revealed that the Transportation Cabinet had granted a request to name the last unnamed bridge along the new U.S. Highway 119 the “Eugene Bevins Bridge.” He then unveiled the road sign that will be placed to identify the bridge, which is located on southbound U.S. Highway 119 at Bent Branch, near Meta.
“What a gentle man Eugene Bevins was. A gentle man, but a man of stature. A great statesman who lived a lifetime on this property with his wife, Beth,” Judge Rutherford told attendees.
“This bridge will stand as a testament to the character and greatness of Eugene Bevins and it is an honor for me to be the one to unveil this sign to the public,” Judge Rutherford added.
“When Judge Rutherford got up and started talking, he brought back a lot of old memories. He had my dad’s gestures down perfect. You could tell they had been friend,” said Eugene Bevin’s son Eddie Bevins. “My family and I are tickled to death that the bridge is named after my father,” he added.
Before the land where the Eugene Bevins Bridge now sits was given for construction of the new highway, it and 90 additional acres now owned by Eddie Bevins had been owned by the Bevins family since the English Crown gave it to the first Bevins ancestor to come to what is now Pike County, Joseph Bevins. Joseph was one of the seven official magistrates appointed by the crown to govern the area while it was still a part of Virginia.
Eugene Bevins was born October 12, 1915, to Willy and Myrtle Bevins. He and his wife Beth had one son, Eddie. Eugene Bevins was a member of the Stone Lodge Masons, a member of the Meta Baptist Church and a Kentucky Colonel. He was very active in politics, worked for the Eastern Coal Company for 40 years and will always be remembered for his many acts of civic duty and kindness to the people in his community.
During the ceremony, Pike County Judge/Executive Wayne T. Rutherford revealed that the Transportation Cabinet had granted a request to name the last unnamed bridge along the new U.S. Highway 119 the “Eugene Bevins Bridge.” He then unveiled the road sign that will be placed to identify the bridge, which is located on southbound U.S. Highway 119 at Bent Branch, near Meta.
“What a gentle man Eugene Bevins was. A gentle man, but a man of stature. A great statesman who lived a lifetime on this property with his wife, Beth,” Judge Rutherford told attendees.
“This bridge will stand as a testament to the character and greatness of Eugene Bevins and it is an honor for me to be the one to unveil this sign to the public,” Judge Rutherford added.
“When Judge Rutherford got up and started talking, he brought back a lot of old memories. He had my dad’s gestures down perfect. You could tell they had been friend,” said Eugene Bevin’s son Eddie Bevins. “My family and I are tickled to death that the bridge is named after my father,” he added.
Before the land where the Eugene Bevins Bridge now sits was given for construction of the new highway, it and 90 additional acres now owned by Eddie Bevins had been owned by the Bevins family since the English Crown gave it to the first Bevins ancestor to come to what is now Pike County, Joseph Bevins. Joseph was one of the seven official magistrates appointed by the crown to govern the area while it was still a part of Virginia.
Eugene Bevins was born October 12, 1915, to Willy and Myrtle Bevins. He and his wife Beth had one son, Eddie. Eugene Bevins was a member of the Stone Lodge Masons, a member of the Meta Baptist Church and a Kentucky Colonel. He was very active in politics, worked for the Eastern Coal Company for 40 years and will always be remembered for his many acts of civic duty and kindness to the people in his community.
Fishtrap Turns 40

Above pictures is the Fishtrap Dam Construction and Spillway Excavation in 1966.
Several hundred people were in attendance Saturday afternooon as Fishtrap celebrated its 40 year anniversary.
The 195 foot structure has prevented an estimated 600 million dollars in flood damage over the past four decades.
It took engineers six years to build the structure at a cost of $ 54.5 million.
Last year 800,000 people visited Fishtrap.
Pike County GOP Office Opens.

(PIKEVILLE, KY) The Pike County Republican Party officially opened its headquarters for the 2008 General Election on Saturday in Downtown Pikeville. Nearly 100 people gathered to greet Congressman Hal Rogers, who officially opened the headquarters and encouraged attendees to work for and support the Republican ticket.
The headquarters will be open daily Monday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., as well as Saturday from 12:00 noon until 4:00 p.m. through November 4th, which is Election Day. It will be closed on Sundays.
The headquarters will be open daily Monday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., as well as Saturday from 12:00 noon until 4:00 p.m. through November 4th, which is Election Day. It will be closed on Sundays.
Picture above is Congressman Hal Rogers adrressing the crowd
LT Governor Helps Lead National Healthy Heart Initiative
Today, Lieutenant Governor Daniel Mongiardo launched the Kentucky chapter of the National Lieutenant Governor’s Association heart health initiative, Your Heart is in Your Hands. This nationwide effort to improve cardiovascular health has created a simple, effective, online way that individuals can record and compile their nutritional and physical activity in order to reach targeted health & wellness goals.
Modeled after Delaware Lieutenant Governor John Carney’s successful statewide program, Lieutenant Governors across the nation are now participating in this effort to encourage citizens to take preventative measures against cardiovascular disease. When an individuals signs up for the program, he or she commits to a twelve-week “challenge” which involves increasing fruits and vegetables in one’s diet and committing to regular exercise. The individual is able to track his or her progress from any location through an online system, and at the end of the twelve weeks receives an award if goals are successfully met.
“Kentucky has one of the worst track records for health in the nation. Two-thirds of Kentuckians are overweight or obese, increasing their chances for heart disease and other cardiovascular problems,” said Lieutenant Governor Daniel Mongiardo. “By participating in the Lieutenant Governor’s Challenge program, individuals will be given a simple and meaningful way to get motivated to eat right and increase activity. This will help improve their heart health, as well as decrease their risk of other chronic disease and illnesses.”
Your Heart is in Your Hands not only takes direct and pragmatic action towards improving the quality of life and wellness of individuals; it helps to raise awareness about the prevalence of heart disease in our nation. The numbers are startling: more than 80 million Americans are affected by heart disease, a number larger than those affected by cancer, AIDS/HIV and accidents combined. However, many do not recognize that personal choices can improve their chances of avoiding heart disease by up to 82%. Lieutenant Governors across the nation have set out to change this.
“The National Lieutenant Governors Association is excited to assist Lt. Governor Mongiardo in bringing this program to Kentucky,” said NLGA Associate Director Morgan Mundell. “Cardiovascular disease accounts for 1/3 of the deaths in Kentucky. We appreciate the Lieutenant Governor’s efforts in helping residents of Kentucky live a longer and healthier life.”
To participate in the program or to learn more, visit
Modeled after Delaware Lieutenant Governor John Carney’s successful statewide program, Lieutenant Governors across the nation are now participating in this effort to encourage citizens to take preventative measures against cardiovascular disease. When an individuals signs up for the program, he or she commits to a twelve-week “challenge” which involves increasing fruits and vegetables in one’s diet and committing to regular exercise. The individual is able to track his or her progress from any location through an online system, and at the end of the twelve weeks receives an award if goals are successfully met.
“Kentucky has one of the worst track records for health in the nation. Two-thirds of Kentuckians are overweight or obese, increasing their chances for heart disease and other cardiovascular problems,” said Lieutenant Governor Daniel Mongiardo. “By participating in the Lieutenant Governor’s Challenge program, individuals will be given a simple and meaningful way to get motivated to eat right and increase activity. This will help improve their heart health, as well as decrease their risk of other chronic disease and illnesses.”
Your Heart is in Your Hands not only takes direct and pragmatic action towards improving the quality of life and wellness of individuals; it helps to raise awareness about the prevalence of heart disease in our nation. The numbers are startling: more than 80 million Americans are affected by heart disease, a number larger than those affected by cancer, AIDS/HIV and accidents combined. However, many do not recognize that personal choices can improve their chances of avoiding heart disease by up to 82%. Lieutenant Governors across the nation have set out to change this.
“The National Lieutenant Governors Association is excited to assist Lt. Governor Mongiardo in bringing this program to Kentucky,” said NLGA Associate Director Morgan Mundell. “Cardiovascular disease accounts for 1/3 of the deaths in Kentucky. We appreciate the Lieutenant Governor’s efforts in helping residents of Kentucky live a longer and healthier life.”
To participate in the program or to learn more, visit
Eastern Kentucky Students Benfit From Financial Aid.
FRANKFORT –Senator Johnny Ray Turner, D-Drift, today announced that 29th District students received $4,732,532 in fiscal year 2008 from the state’s major grant and scholarship programs administered by the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority and The Student Loan People, the state’s only public nonprofit student aid providers.
Awards for these programs are funded by Kentucky Lottery revenue. KHEAA and the Student Loan People were created by the state legislature to make higher education more accessible to Kentuckians.
“Rising college costs have made student financial aid programs more important than ever to help Kentuckians achieve their education and career goals,” said Senator Turner, a retired educator. “I am proud that these funds are helping our students realize their dreams by achieving successful educations.”
During 2008, KHEAA disbursed $2,034,586 in Kentucky Education Excellence Scholarships (KEES) to 29th District Students to help pay college costs. Through the KEES program, high school students can earn up to $2,500 for each year of higher education based on good grades and ACT (or SAT) scores. Beginning this academic year students who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunches during any year of high school may qualify for a bonus award based on Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate exam scores. No application is necessary; awards are sent directly to the college when the student begins attending.
For students with financial need, KHEAA disbursed $1,883,333 in College Access Program (CAP) Grants and $805,613 in Kentucky Tuition Grants (KTG) to 29th District students. CAP is based on financial need and provides awards to Kentucky students whose families demonstrate that the amount they should be able to contribute is not enough to cover the cost of college. KTG equalizes tuition of Kentucky’s private colleges and offers students with financial need a choice of attending a broad range of independent Kentucky schools.
In addition to awards funded by Kentucky Lottery revenue, KHEAA disbursed 37 awards totaling $172,989 from other grant and scholarship programs funded by other state and federal sources.
To help meet college costs not met by other student aid programs, The Student Loan People disbursed $5,580,141 in low-cost student loans to 29th District students and parents, including $3,127,147 in Subsidized Stafford Loans (for students with financial need), $2,282,599 in Unsubsidized Stafford Loans, $159,646 in PLUS Loans for parents of undergraduate students, and $10,749 in PLUS Loans for graduate and professional students.
Awards for these programs are funded by Kentucky Lottery revenue. KHEAA and the Student Loan People were created by the state legislature to make higher education more accessible to Kentuckians.
“Rising college costs have made student financial aid programs more important than ever to help Kentuckians achieve their education and career goals,” said Senator Turner, a retired educator. “I am proud that these funds are helping our students realize their dreams by achieving successful educations.”
During 2008, KHEAA disbursed $2,034,586 in Kentucky Education Excellence Scholarships (KEES) to 29th District Students to help pay college costs. Through the KEES program, high school students can earn up to $2,500 for each year of higher education based on good grades and ACT (or SAT) scores. Beginning this academic year students who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunches during any year of high school may qualify for a bonus award based on Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate exam scores. No application is necessary; awards are sent directly to the college when the student begins attending.
For students with financial need, KHEAA disbursed $1,883,333 in College Access Program (CAP) Grants and $805,613 in Kentucky Tuition Grants (KTG) to 29th District students. CAP is based on financial need and provides awards to Kentucky students whose families demonstrate that the amount they should be able to contribute is not enough to cover the cost of college. KTG equalizes tuition of Kentucky’s private colleges and offers students with financial need a choice of attending a broad range of independent Kentucky schools.
In addition to awards funded by Kentucky Lottery revenue, KHEAA disbursed 37 awards totaling $172,989 from other grant and scholarship programs funded by other state and federal sources.
To help meet college costs not met by other student aid programs, The Student Loan People disbursed $5,580,141 in low-cost student loans to 29th District students and parents, including $3,127,147 in Subsidized Stafford Loans (for students with financial need), $2,282,599 in Unsubsidized Stafford Loans, $159,646 in PLUS Loans for parents of undergraduate students, and $10,749 in PLUS Loans for graduate and professional students.
Pike County Man To Serve Two Years On Drug Charge.
Nicholas Ortega, 38, of Pikeville entered a guilty plea in Pike County Circuit Court to being in possession of a controlled substance. Under the plea deal , Ortega will spend two years in prison.
Pikeville Man Admits To Selling Oxycontin.
A Pikeville man pleaded guilty Monday in Pike County Circuit Court. 26 year-old Frank Beavers admitted he sold Oxycontin.
The Commmonwealth Attorney's office said they will recoomend a prison sentence of eight and a half years.
The Commmonwealth Attorney's office said they will recoomend a prison sentence of eight and a half years.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Lincoln county Man Charged With Child Pornography
30 year-old Clinton Combs of Harts faces up to 30 years in prison and a fine of $ 250,000 .
The Lincoln County man is accused of persuading children to participate in sexually explicit acts so that he could film them.
Authorities say that the case is cut and dry because they have Combs' voice and his reflection from a mirror on tape.
The Lincoln County man is accused of persuading children to participate in sexually explicit acts so that he could film them.
Authorities say that the case is cut and dry because they have Combs' voice and his reflection from a mirror on tape.
Drug Bust In Mingo County.
Two Dingess Men are in jail after authorities say tha Curtis Romans and Herman Vance allegedly sold Oxycontin on several different occassions to undercover agents.
Both men are charged with two counts of delivery of a controlled substance.
Both men are charged with two counts of delivery of a controlled substance.
Seven Coal Miners Injured In Boone County.
Seven miners were injured Friday night during a shift change at the Round Bottom Mine located near Boone County. The injuries are not life threatening. No details on what caused the injuries have been released.
Logan County Woman Dies From Car Crash.
A Logan County woman was killed in a single vehicle accident over the weekend.
36 year-old Donna Jane Cooper was traveling on Route 8 at Lake Mountain when she suddenly lost control of the vehicle and struck an enbankment. She was thrown from the vehicle.
36 year-old Donna Jane Cooper was traveling on Route 8 at Lake Mountain when she suddenly lost control of the vehicle and struck an enbankment. She was thrown from the vehicle.
Train Slams Into Tractor Trailor.
No one was hurt Friday after a train slammed into a tractor trailer Friday. The incident happened at Hager Hill.
The driver Timothy Lopus said that he was trying to turn around after taking a wrong turn.
Lopus was cited for failure to yield.
The driver Timothy Lopus said that he was trying to turn around after taking a wrong turn.
Lopus was cited for failure to yield.
Wife Helps Husband Escape From Prison. Inmate Dies Soon After
The Lexington Herald reported that a woman has been charged with helping her husband escape from the Big Sandy Federal Prison in Inez.
Susan Witherspoon brought 48 year-old Desmond Greene back to the facility soon after because he became ill.
A guard found Greene unconscious in the car. Greene died at a local hospital.
Cause of death has not been released.
Susan Witherspoon brought 48 year-old Desmond Greene back to the facility soon after because he became ill.
A guard found Greene unconscious in the car. Greene died at a local hospital.
Cause of death has not been released.
Pikeville College To Host Pediatric Symposium
The Pikeville College School of Osteopathic Medicine (PCSOM) will host its 10th annual Pediatric Symposium, Saturday, Nov. 8, at the Eastern Kentucky Exposition Center, second-floor ballroom.
The symposium is offered in conjunction with the Southeast Kentucky Area Health Education Center (AHEC) in Hazard. Registration begins at 7:15 a.m. and the program begins at 8 a.m.
Faculty includes Seema Sachdeva, M.D., pediatrician, and Rakesh Sachdeva, M.D., pediatrician and pediatric gastroenterologist, both of Pikeville; Cameron Schaeffer, M.D., pediatric urologist, of Lexington, Ky.; Keith Ison, D.O., ophthalmologist, of Pikeville; Samrina Hanif, M.D., neurology/epilepsy, of Pikeville; and Pediatric Surgeon Daniel Beals, M.D., of Lexington.
AHEC designates this continuing medical education activity for a maximum of four hours in Category 1 toward the American Medical Association Physicians Recognition Award. The American Osteopathic Association designates this continuing medical education activity for a maximum of four hours in Category 1-A.
For more information, contact Sharon Turk, director of continuing medical education at PCSOM, at (606) 218-5155.
The symposium is offered in conjunction with the Southeast Kentucky Area Health Education Center (AHEC) in Hazard. Registration begins at 7:15 a.m. and the program begins at 8 a.m.
Faculty includes Seema Sachdeva, M.D., pediatrician, and Rakesh Sachdeva, M.D., pediatrician and pediatric gastroenterologist, both of Pikeville; Cameron Schaeffer, M.D., pediatric urologist, of Lexington, Ky.; Keith Ison, D.O., ophthalmologist, of Pikeville; Samrina Hanif, M.D., neurology/epilepsy, of Pikeville; and Pediatric Surgeon Daniel Beals, M.D., of Lexington.
AHEC designates this continuing medical education activity for a maximum of four hours in Category 1 toward the American Medical Association Physicians Recognition Award. The American Osteopathic Association designates this continuing medical education activity for a maximum of four hours in Category 1-A.
For more information, contact Sharon Turk, director of continuing medical education at PCSOM, at (606) 218-5155.
One Judge Executive Asks Congressman Rogers To Extend Deadline.
Pikeville, Ky.—Pike County Judge/Executive Wayne T. Rutherford has reached out to U.S. Congressman Hal Rogers to help the hundreds of Pike Countians receive the government stimulus payments to which they are entitled.
Judge Rutherford sent Congressman Rogers a letter on Wednesday. In it, he asked Roger’s assistance in extending the October 15 tax filing deadline, in order to give Judge Rutherford’s office more time to extend help to the 1,323 Pike Countians eligible for the stimulus but who will not receive it if they do not file the necessary tax forms by October 15.
“Our Social Services Department has offered to help the hundreds in Pike County who will lose their money if they miss the deadline, but with the deadline just days away, it doesn’t give our office a lot of time. It is imperative that Congressman Rogers assist us with extending the filing deadline.” Judge Rutherford said.
Rutherford’s letter also stated that many in Pike County have not filed the requisite forms because they are unsure of which forms to fill out or how to do so, and are under the incorrect impression that accepting the stimulus payment will make them ineligible for government programs such as Medicaid and food stamps.
“Given the tough economic times, this stimulus check would mean a lot to these individuals. If you could assist us by getting the deadline extended, we would be most appreciative,” Judge Rutherford wrote.
– END –
Judge Rutherford sent Congressman Rogers a letter on Wednesday. In it, he asked Roger’s assistance in extending the October 15 tax filing deadline, in order to give Judge Rutherford’s office more time to extend help to the 1,323 Pike Countians eligible for the stimulus but who will not receive it if they do not file the necessary tax forms by October 15.
“Our Social Services Department has offered to help the hundreds in Pike County who will lose their money if they miss the deadline, but with the deadline just days away, it doesn’t give our office a lot of time. It is imperative that Congressman Rogers assist us with extending the filing deadline.” Judge Rutherford said.
Rutherford’s letter also stated that many in Pike County have not filed the requisite forms because they are unsure of which forms to fill out or how to do so, and are under the incorrect impression that accepting the stimulus payment will make them ineligible for government programs such as Medicaid and food stamps.
“Given the tough economic times, this stimulus check would mean a lot to these individuals. If you could assist us by getting the deadline extended, we would be most appreciative,” Judge Rutherford wrote.
– END –
More Kentucky Families To Receive Assistance.
At a time when families are hurting financially, Kentucky will more than double the assistance it gives this year through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
Flanked by Congressman John Yarmuth and Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson, Gov. Beshear told residents at an apartment complex for seniors and disabled citizens that Congress has increased funding for the heating crisis program, and his administration is discussing how best to distribute the vital funding.
“As we grow closer to the coldest part of the year, families face a greater challenge – the increasing cost of heating their homes,” said Gov. Beshear. “Through programs like this, government leaders must continue to be aggressive in finding ways to protect Kentucky families in this time of crisis.”
Kentucky will receive more than $68 million in federal funds this year, more than double the anticipated $30 million Kentucky was to receive. Kentucky’s Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) will disburse funds to Community Action Kentucky, who in turn, will distribute the money to families requiring such assistance. State officials are working with those agencies to determine the parameters of distribution.
“With energy costs increasing and so many families struggling to pay their bills, I'm proud that we were able to increase Kentucky's funding for home energy assistance by 126 percent,” Congressman Yarmuth said. “This funding will ensure that thousands of Kentucky families won't have to face the choice of turning on the heat in the winter or buying clothes for their children.”
The increase in funding is significant considering the escalation of energy prices and the number of families in need who did not receive assistance in the past. Last year, LIHEAP funds were distributed to nearly 174,000 Kentucky families. According to CHFS, an estimated 45,000 additional families needed help, but no funds remained in the program. With the increase in funding, it is estimated that up to 150,000 additional families will benefit from the assistance.
CHFS Secretary Janie Miller said state officials will discuss with community and service agencies how best to use the increased funds. In addition to serving more people, state officials said consideration could be given to options such as increasing the subsidy some families receive and allocating additional dollars into home weatherization.
The additional funding will help Louisville Metro Government and Community Action Partnership expand efforts to help needy families keep their homes warm and pay their heating bills this winter, Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson said. Hundreds of elderly and disabled citizens have already pre-applied for LIHEAP funding.
“With rising energy costs and tough economic challenges, more families will need a helping hand to stay warm this winter,” Abramson said. “I appreciate the leadership of Congressman Yarmuth and Governor Beshear to provide a much-needed financial boost to our on-going efforts.”
Community Action Agencies will take applications for LIHEAP assistance beginning November 3. For more information, visit or call 1-800-456-3452 to find a local Community Action Agency.
Flanked by Congressman John Yarmuth and Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson, Gov. Beshear told residents at an apartment complex for seniors and disabled citizens that Congress has increased funding for the heating crisis program, and his administration is discussing how best to distribute the vital funding.
“As we grow closer to the coldest part of the year, families face a greater challenge – the increasing cost of heating their homes,” said Gov. Beshear. “Through programs like this, government leaders must continue to be aggressive in finding ways to protect Kentucky families in this time of crisis.”
Kentucky will receive more than $68 million in federal funds this year, more than double the anticipated $30 million Kentucky was to receive. Kentucky’s Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) will disburse funds to Community Action Kentucky, who in turn, will distribute the money to families requiring such assistance. State officials are working with those agencies to determine the parameters of distribution.
“With energy costs increasing and so many families struggling to pay their bills, I'm proud that we were able to increase Kentucky's funding for home energy assistance by 126 percent,” Congressman Yarmuth said. “This funding will ensure that thousands of Kentucky families won't have to face the choice of turning on the heat in the winter or buying clothes for their children.”
The increase in funding is significant considering the escalation of energy prices and the number of families in need who did not receive assistance in the past. Last year, LIHEAP funds were distributed to nearly 174,000 Kentucky families. According to CHFS, an estimated 45,000 additional families needed help, but no funds remained in the program. With the increase in funding, it is estimated that up to 150,000 additional families will benefit from the assistance.
CHFS Secretary Janie Miller said state officials will discuss with community and service agencies how best to use the increased funds. In addition to serving more people, state officials said consideration could be given to options such as increasing the subsidy some families receive and allocating additional dollars into home weatherization.
The additional funding will help Louisville Metro Government and Community Action Partnership expand efforts to help needy families keep their homes warm and pay their heating bills this winter, Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson said. Hundreds of elderly and disabled citizens have already pre-applied for LIHEAP funding.
“With rising energy costs and tough economic challenges, more families will need a helping hand to stay warm this winter,” Abramson said. “I appreciate the leadership of Congressman Yarmuth and Governor Beshear to provide a much-needed financial boost to our on-going efforts.”
Community Action Agencies will take applications for LIHEAP assistance beginning November 3. For more information, visit or call 1-800-456-3452 to find a local Community Action Agency.
One Eastern Kentucky County Facing Water Shortage
Magoffin County residents are facing a water supply emergency as their water supply continues to diminish. Imminent loss of the primary water source, the Licking River at Salyersville, will substantially decrease the ability of Salyersville Municipal Water to supply its customers. State agencies are working with local officials to establish alternate water supply sources.
“It is of prime importance that measures are taken to ensure a safe water supply to the residents of the city and county,” said Guy Delius, director of the Department for Public Health’s Division of Public Health Protection. “Until permanent relief can be provided in this area, everyone must make a concerted effort to conserve water in Magoffin County.”
The Kentucky Division of Water placed Magoffin County under a water shortage warning Sept. 26. City and county officials have declared a state of emergency for the affected area.
“The current supply available in the Licking River is limited to the amount of water stored in the pool at Salyersville, which will not be replenished until the area receives substantial rain,” said Chris Yeary, supervisor of the Division of Water’s Water Quantity Management Section.
There is no anticipation of significant rainfall in the near future that will provide relief for the current situation, Yeary added.
Precipitation totals in the headwaters of the Licking River associated with the recent rainfall event were limited to a half-inch and did little to alleviate the current water supply condition. The 6- to 10-day and 8- to 14-day outlooks from the National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center both indicate below-normal chances of precipitation for Magoffin County.
The Kentucky Division of Emergency Management (KYEM) has been monitoring the Magoffin County water situation during the past several weeks, working very closely with local officials and state agencies seeking a solution to the problem. KYEM Director, General John W. Heltzel, stated, "Obviously the best solution is much needed rain. Even then there is no guarantee this problem will not re-occur in the future. As local and state officials, it is our responsibility to take whatever steps necessary to ensure that folks across the state, not just Magoffin County, have safe and adequate water available. We all need to be mindful, especially during times like these, to conserve and protect our natural resources. It is much too easy to take something as common as clean water for granted."
The current source of most of Salyersville Municipal Water’s supply is two back-up wells. It is anticipated that the back-up wells cannot sustain current demands. The state agencies are encouraging Salyersville Municipal Water and Magoffin County Water District to interconnect with water supplies in nearby counties as an interim measure.
It is important that customers of Salyersville Municipal Water and Magoffin County Water District limit water usage to that which is necessary for basic human health and sanitary needs. Citizens are strongly encouraged to follow all recommendations from their water suppliers. Any additional increases in demand for water will lead to limitations in the ability to supply water to the area as a whole.
“The situation developing in Magoffin County is very serious and water conservation is of utmost importance to sustain the water system until alternative sources can be used,” said Environment and Energy Cabinet Secretary Dr. Len Peters.
For more information on drought conditions, water availability and conservation
tips, visit the Division of Water’s drought Web site at
“It is of prime importance that measures are taken to ensure a safe water supply to the residents of the city and county,” said Guy Delius, director of the Department for Public Health’s Division of Public Health Protection. “Until permanent relief can be provided in this area, everyone must make a concerted effort to conserve water in Magoffin County.”
The Kentucky Division of Water placed Magoffin County under a water shortage warning Sept. 26. City and county officials have declared a state of emergency for the affected area.
“The current supply available in the Licking River is limited to the amount of water stored in the pool at Salyersville, which will not be replenished until the area receives substantial rain,” said Chris Yeary, supervisor of the Division of Water’s Water Quantity Management Section.
There is no anticipation of significant rainfall in the near future that will provide relief for the current situation, Yeary added.
Precipitation totals in the headwaters of the Licking River associated with the recent rainfall event were limited to a half-inch and did little to alleviate the current water supply condition. The 6- to 10-day and 8- to 14-day outlooks from the National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center both indicate below-normal chances of precipitation for Magoffin County.
The Kentucky Division of Emergency Management (KYEM) has been monitoring the Magoffin County water situation during the past several weeks, working very closely with local officials and state agencies seeking a solution to the problem. KYEM Director, General John W. Heltzel, stated, "Obviously the best solution is much needed rain. Even then there is no guarantee this problem will not re-occur in the future. As local and state officials, it is our responsibility to take whatever steps necessary to ensure that folks across the state, not just Magoffin County, have safe and adequate water available. We all need to be mindful, especially during times like these, to conserve and protect our natural resources. It is much too easy to take something as common as clean water for granted."
The current source of most of Salyersville Municipal Water’s supply is two back-up wells. It is anticipated that the back-up wells cannot sustain current demands. The state agencies are encouraging Salyersville Municipal Water and Magoffin County Water District to interconnect with water supplies in nearby counties as an interim measure.
It is important that customers of Salyersville Municipal Water and Magoffin County Water District limit water usage to that which is necessary for basic human health and sanitary needs. Citizens are strongly encouraged to follow all recommendations from their water suppliers. Any additional increases in demand for water will lead to limitations in the ability to supply water to the area as a whole.
“The situation developing in Magoffin County is very serious and water conservation is of utmost importance to sustain the water system until alternative sources can be used,” said Environment and Energy Cabinet Secretary Dr. Len Peters.
For more information on drought conditions, water availability and conservation
tips, visit the Division of Water’s drought Web site at