Tuesday, March 15, 2011


EKB Capsule News...Kentucky...3-16-'11

           Remember the Miners: http://remembertheminers.org/events/

• Wayne Back, age 45, of Linefork, second-degree trafficking in a controlled

substance and second-degree persistent felony offender.

• Billy Ray Fields, age 54, of Court Road, Partridge, second-degree trafficking in a

controlled substance. At the time of his arrest a quantity of hydrocodone was found

and he will be charged with a second count of second-degree trafficking in a

controlled substance.

• Clarence Halcomb, age 55, of Galloway Acres, Partridge, first-degree trafficking

in a controlled substance and first-degree persistent felony offender.

• Billy Hubbs, age 50, of Highway 3073, Partridge, first-degree trafficking in a

controlled substance.

• Johnny Osborne, age 44, Highway 199 South, Partridge, second-degree trafficking in

a controlled substance and first-degree persistent felony offender.

• George Thomas, age 69, Circle Drive, Whitesburg, second-degree trafficking in a

controlled substance and first-degree persistent felony offender.

• Matthew Alan Whitaker, age 25, of Highway 119 South, Partridge, second-degree

trafficking in a controlled substance and first-degree persistent felony offender.


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