Monday, January 10, 2011
WV Lawmakers Focus On Texting While Driving
Some West Virginia lawmakers are determined to get a bill banning texting while driving through the legislature this regular session. An interim committee forwarded the bill to the full legislature following a meeting Monday. The proposal would make texting while driving a primary traffic offense with a $50 fine for first offense, $100 for second offense and $200 for third offense. There would be no court costs and no points deducted from the driver's licenses of those cited. Delegate Dale Martin, D-Putnam, who believes the bill has a good chance for passage this year, says there's an agreement not to combine the bill with the less popular banning cell phones while driving bill. The state already has a law that prohibits texting for drivers under the age of 18, but a ban for all drivers has died in the last few sessions. The proposed bill would allow texting by emergency responders in certain situations and by drivers who have pulled off the side of the road.