Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Stumbo Files Smoking Bill
A bill filed by House Speaker Greg Stumbo would make it illegal to smoke in a car containing children under 17 years of age. The legislation is similar to laws in Louisiana, Arkansas, Maine and Oregon. It proposes a fine of $25 for the first offense and $50 for each subsequent offense. State Representative David Floyd, R-Bardstown, says if you allow the state to dictate smoking inside of your own private vehicle no matter who the occupants are, you've just opened the door to government intrusion in every single aspect of your life. If the law is passed, there would be a probationary period until January 1, 2012. During that time, courtesy warnings would be issued instead of tickets. The Washington D.C. advocacy group Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids says that 363,000 Kentucky children are exposed to second-hand smoke at home.