Monday, January 24, 2011
Senator Rand Paul Attends "March For Life" Rally
Abortion opponents rallied on the National Mall and marched to the Supreme Court Monday to mark the 38th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion. More than three dozen lawmakers addressed the crowd during the annual "March for Life." The lawmakers, buoyed by Republican gains in the November elections, called for the landmark ruling to be overturned. They said they would work to restrict tax dollars for abortions. The first "March for Life" rally was held in 1974, a year after the Supreme Court's decision that legalized abortion. U.S. Senator Rand Paul marked the landmark decision on abortion by calling it "one of the most horrific judicial travesties in the history of our nation." Paul says more than 50 million abortions have been performed in the United States since abortion was legalized in 1973, and he will join other senators this week in sponsoring the Life at Conception Act that declares all unborn persons are entitled to equal protection from the moment of conception.
Meanwhile, President Barack Obama called abortion a constitutional right he's committed to protecting. He said the Roe v. Wade decision affirmed what he called a "fundamental principle: that government should not intrude on private family matters.

Meanwhile, President Barack Obama called abortion a constitutional right he's committed to protecting. He said the Roe v. Wade decision affirmed what he called a "fundamental principle: that government should not intrude on private family matters.