Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Prison Reform Plan Presented To Interim Joint Judiciary Committee

Kentucky has had one of the fastest-growing prison populations in the country over the past decade. The number of inmates grew by 45 percent during that time, compared to 13 percent overall in state prison systems. Corrections spending in the state increased 214 percent between 1990 and 2010. Recommendations aimed at reducing prison costs and population were presented to the interim joint Judiciary Committee Wednesday. According to a report from a task force that has been studying Kentucky's justice system, the state could save money by putting fewer non-violent drug offenders in prison and instead supervise them through probation, parole and substance abuse treatment programs. According to the report, if the state does nothing, the prison population will increase by nearly 1,400 inmates and spending will increase by $161 million over the next 10 years.

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