Sunday, January 23, 2011
PRIDE Gearing Up For Spring Cleanup
Winter is still lingering, but one local PRIDE committee is already planning several events for the upcoming year. Pike County PRIDE (Personal Responsibility in a Desirable Environment) Clean Community Board is seeking volunteers and donations for roadside litter cleanup events and educational initiatives for local schools.
Director Jimmy Dale Sanders said approximately $6,500 is needed to continue the nonprofit organization’s educational program, which was funded last year through a collaboration of several organizations in Pike County. Funds are also needed to purchase supplies for cleanup events, he said.
The educational program provides an environmental instructor who travels to schools throughout the county to talk to students about environmental stewardship and the importance of keeping communities clean.
PRIDE volunteers have been doing just that locally. Since Sanders took the director’s seat in Pike County 11 years ago, he’s overseen the cleanup of approximately 300 illegal dumps in Pike County.
Officials still find an occasional small, illegal dump, he said, but most of the major, illegal dumps are no longer a problem.