Wednesday, January 19, 2011
MSHA Releases Preliminary Conclusions For UBB Explosion
The Mine Safety and Health Administration hosted a briefing for families of the Upper Big Branch Mine accident Tuesday. According to MSHA’s preliminary conclusions, worn bits on the longwall shearer are the likely ignition source of the April 5th explosion, but MSHA administrator Kevin Strickland says other hazardous conditions turned that into an explosion that killed 29 miners and injured two others. Strickland says a low volume of methane provided the fuel for an initial fire that then ignited the massive coal dust explosion, and water sprayers designed in part to quench such ignitions were missing. When pressed at a conference call Wrdnesday as to whether Massey Energy Co. operated the mine unsafely, Strickland carefully avoided a direct statement, saying that MSHA’s investigation is only partially complete. MSHA plans to complete its technical analysis within 90 days, according to Assistant Secretary of Labor Joseph Main. Massey Energy General Counsel Shane Harvey says their findings are the mine was well rock dusted and exploded due to an infusion of high levels of natural gas. Harvey says Massey plans on discussing its findings with UBB families as soon as possible, will brief the media in more detail at a later date and is very interested in meeting with MSHA officials to understand their conclusions.