Tuesday, January 04, 2011


Floyd County Domestic Violence Hires New Workers

Kentucky State Police say, in 2009, around 90 victims called the state's Domestic Violence Association every day, while 7,909 emergency protection orders were issued, 119 of them in Floyd County. Recently, the Floyd County Fiscal Court voted to award a $400,000 grant to the Mountain Comprehensive Care Center's Victim Services Program to hire new advocates to help victims. With the grant, the center was able to hire Kimberley Freeman, Sabrina Rose and Dustin Newsome who are on call 24/7. Freeman, Rose and Newsome plan to implement training and other initiatives to improve community, police and judicial collaboration, as well as victim safety. The group has already taken steps to implement training sessions for law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges, advocates and medical professionals. This training will focus on improving response to the complexities of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. If you need to talk to someone or report a case of domestic violence, the crisis hotline is 1-800-422-1060.

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