Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Federal Authorities Seek To Keep Money From Mingo County Raid
In a civil action filed in U.S. District Court last week, federal authorities are seeking to keep almost $600,000 they seized during searches of the Williamson apartment and offices of Mingo County Dr. Diane E. Shafer. Assistant U.S. Attorney Betty Pullin says the money confiscated from her apartment, safety deposit boxes and bank accounts in January 2010 could be traced to illegal prescription practices. Shafer, 58, voluntarily surrendered her medical license in December 2009, the same month State Police investigators found illegal pre-signed prescriptions at her office. Shafer has not been charged, but previous court filings indicate she was in plea negotiations with federal prosecutors. Lisa K. Baisden, of Dingess, who worked for Shafer between 2004 and 2009, was sentenced to three years probation after admitting she handed out pre-signed prescriptions for pain medication in exchange for some of the pills.