Monday, January 24, 2011
Breathitt County Murder Trial Underway
A Breathitt County murder trial got underway Monday. Prosecutors say Billy Caudill killed his neighbor, Randall Carpenter, on August 21, 2009 while the two were shooting at each other. Police also say Caudill was shot twice and severely injured in the fight. Attorneys for both sides agree that Caudill and Carpenter were not friendly to each other, but they disagree on how the shooting occurred and who fired the first shot. Michael Roper, Caudill's attorney, says Randall Carpenter reaches for his pistol, then shoots his weapon at Billy Caudill, hitting him twice. Roper says Caudill grabs his weapon, turns and fires. However, Commonwealth's Attorney Darrell Herald says two witnesses that were there and saw everything, both say Billy Caudill shot the first shot. When police arrived, they found Randall Carpenter dead in a ditch. Herald says the whole shooting was captured on a cassette tape recorder in Caudill's pocket, and that audio will be played at some point during the trial.