Thursday, December 09, 2010
Utility Workers Union Holds Informational Picket
Members of the Utility Workers Union of America who work for West Virginia American Water held a one hour informational picket at the plant in HuntingtonThursday morning to speak out against a proposed increase in health care benefits. Members of the Union say the company is raising their health care benefits at the same time they are requesting rate increases for customers. West Virginia American Water Company officials responded by saying it values all of its employee and negotiated in good faith with the Utility Workers' Union and all its unions regarding benefits related to health care, while meeting with them at least 15 times in 5 months. The company says it has provided a proposal that is fair to the bargaining units, customers and the company, and the benefit package provided to union employees is well aligned with the company's nonunion medical benefits plan while it remains highly competitive compared to other plans offered in the water industry. American Water says, through no fault of its own or the Union, health care has become more expensive and the company must adjust its health and wellness offerings to workers, union and nonunion alike.