Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Rogers Tapped To Head House Appropriations Committee
U.S. Representative Harold "Hal" Rogers was tapped late Tuesday by the House Republican Steering Committee to head the powerful House Appropriations Committee. The choice brings to a close a competitive, weeks-long, behind the scenes battle among Rogers, current ranking member Representative Jerry Lewis R-California, and Representative Jack Kingston R-Georgia. If the full House Republican caucus approves the committee decision as expected Wednesday, Rogers, R-Somerset, will head up a committee charged with helping oversee the allocation of millions in federal funds.

Democrats pounced on the committee's decision, saying Republicans will renege on pledges to curb spending. Ryan Rudominer of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says families are faced with the choice of the 'Prince of Pork' heading their appropriations process. Rudominer says Representative Rogers' record on fiscal responsibility looks like a shopping spree, no splurge left behind. He questions whether Republicans are really going to reduce the debt by selecting Rogers, of the Hal Rogers Parkway, as their pork barrel chairman or will the 85 new freshmen members honor their pledge to be fiscally responsible.