Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Millions Approved For Charleston Area Medical Center
The West Virginia Health Care Authority has approved a $9.5 million project to build a four-story clinic and office building at Charleston Area Medical Center Women and Children's Hospital. The new building. which will be attached to the Women and Children's Hospital, will house the hospital's clinics and physician offices, and allow the hospital to expand its services to include private postpartum care rooms for mothers, as well as a step-down unit for babies leaving the neonatal intensive care unit. The new building is part of a three-phase project to expand the hospital's parking lot and begin renovation projects within the existing hospital. CAMC officials plan to add about 500 parking spaces beside the hospital and construct a 40-foot walkway along the riverbank that will connect the parking lot to the hospital grounds. The Health Care Authority has also approved a certificate of need for an $8.2 million construction project to expand the emergency room at CAMC Memorial Hospital which will more than double the ER from about 11,000 to 27,000 square feet, and increase from 22 to 32 beds.