Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Kanawha County Commission President Rejects Pay Raises
A proposal developed by Kanawha County Manger Jennifer Sayre and presented to commissioners at the November 18th regular meeting would have restructured the Kanawha County Commission staff and given promotions and pay raises to at least nine different employees. Commission President Kent Carper, who has staunchly supported a series of payroll cuts and other budget reductions, voted in favor of the proposal at that meeting, while Commissioners Hoppy Shores and Dave Hardy voted against it. Carper said Tuesday he will not support any changes to the commission staff that involve pay raises, even small pay raises. Since August, commissioners have trimmed more than $250,000 from payroll, eliminated two property maintenance positions, the deputy county manager position, an administrative position at Camp Virgil Tate and Carper's administrative assistant. Projections for next fiscal year's budget show no increases in revenues.