Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Detroit Man Pleads Guilty To Voluntary Manslaughter
During a hearing in Cabell County Circuit Court Tuesday morning, George Lockhart of Detroit pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter after originally being charged with 1st degree murder and attempted murder. In the early morning hours of December 3, 2008, Kameron O’Neal, 22 of Inkster, Michigan was shot and killed. A second man, Terrance McArthur, who was also shot and survived, says the shooting was the result of an argument over a $20,000 gold chain, and O'Neal was a friend who got shot in the leg by a stray bullet. Police say, after O'Neal was shot in the leg, he ran a block and a half before he collapsed and died in a yard along Kanawha Terrace. McCarthur says Lockhart shot him in the leg, back and neck, one bullet knocking out his teeth. He says he played dead while Lockhart returned and shot him again in the leg. Lockhart will be sentenced in January.