Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Charleston Approves Inspection Of CSX Train Trestle Property
Charleston city officials have been given the green light for the city to conduct its inspections of the old CSX train trestle where they plan the possible creation of a biking and walking trail. City Manager David Molgaard says he has confirmation that CSX is willing to sell the structure and the four acres surrounding it to the city for $25,000, but the city wants to be sure that the structure is sound and that there are no environmental problems before purchasing the property. According to past reports, the Friends of Kanawha Trestle group has secured $3 million in federal and state funds, and the city has promised an additional $475,000 in cash and in-kind contributions to the project. Council members have approved $62,500 for Michael Baker Jr. Inc. in Cross Lanes to conduct a structural inspection of the site and compile a construction cost estimate.