Thursday, December 09, 2010
Bunning Bids Farewell To Congress
U.S. Senator Jim Bunning bid farewell to Congress Thursday with a retirement speech on the Senate floor that was both emotional and scolding. Among other things, he labeled Democrats “stubborn” for pushing through the health care overhaul and blamed the Federal Reserve for destroying the dollar and the economy. He thanked his wife, Mary, and their nine children for their support during more than 20 years in Congress. Bunning said his major league pitching career toughened him for when he had to take an unpopular political stand, saying he never really cared if he stood alone in Congress as long as he stood by his beliefs and values. Many Kentucky voters admired Bunning’s fiscal conservatism and often brash demeanor, but opponents bashed him when he single-handedly held up a $10 billion spending bill for jobless benefits. Bunning said he was proud of his role in legislation that removed earnings limits on Social Security recipients, overhauled the federal flood insurance program and gave compensation to sick nuclear workers at federal facilities.