Saturday, November 06, 2010
Tomblin Announces Administration Members
Senate President Earl Ray Tomblin on Friday announced some of the senior members of the administration he'll form once he takes over as West Virginia's governor. Those named include Rob Alsop as chief of staff. Alsop served as chief of staff to Senator Carte Goodwin and deputy counsel and later revenue secretary for Manchin during his first term as governor. Manchin said Wednesday that Alsop had been provided Capitol office space to oversee the transition process for Toblin. Erica Mani, present executive director of the state's Consolidated Public Retirement Board, will be Alsop's deputy. Charleston lawyer Kurt Dettinger will be Tomblin's general counsel. Jacqueline Proctor will leave the Division of Culture and History, where she is deputy commissioner, to become Tomblin's communications director. Tomblin has called a news conference for Monday to discuss his incoming administration and the transition.