Friday, November 19, 2010
Miners Address New MSHA Rule
United Mine Workers officials turned out Thursday to support the Obama administration's rule to require mine operators to do more to control the buildup of explosive coal dust in underground mines, but some miners say federal officials aren't listening to their concerns. Thursday dozens of coal miners attended a public hearing hosted by MSHA about a federal rule that increases the amount of incombustible material in underground mines to prevent explosions underground. MSHA leaders say they looked at a report issued in August 2010 by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and drew from their own experiences to come up with the change. Some of those who work underground say, while it's a great thing they're trying to do, miners have far more concern about scrubbers, saying a device that moves dust out is a more feasible method, but they say MSHA doesn't allow it. The West Virginia Coal Association spoke about the use of scrubbers. MSHA has 9 months from the time the emergency rule on rock dust goes into effect to announce a final rule. That should happen in June of 2011.