Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Man Charged With Mother's Murder

Walter C. Hudnall, 66, of Belle, has been charged with murder by starvation after West Virginia State Police say he starved his mother to death. Hudnall's mother, 86 year old Helen Louise Hudnall, died on March 7, 2009 after being taken to Charleston Area Medical Center General Hospital on February 14, 2009 by workers with the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, who found her lying in her own urine and feces. She had multiple wounds to the upper and lower parts of her body, a hip and shoulder fracture, was very dehydrated, was suffering from a urinary tract infection and had a weak pulse. Hudnall was admitted to the hospital with Stage IV bleeding bed sores embedded with live maggots. Doctors determined the woman was very emaciated, a condition which occurs when the human body loses substantial amounts of fat and muscle tissue needed to sustain life. The cause of emaciation is a lack of nutrients due to starvation. Kanawha County Prosecuting Attorney Mark Plants says William Hudnall was the primary caregiver when his mother died, and there's not doubt in his mind that the death was intentional.