Thursday, November 04, 2010
Homeland Security Grant For Floyd County
Thanks to a grant from the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security, the Floyd County Rescue Squad and the city of Allen will be upgrading their equipment, $1,400 for radios and $9,000 for mobile data computers for the city of Allen and more than $13,000 for rescue squad dry suits for the Floyd County Rescue Squad. The Kentucky Office of Homeland Security funded 140 projects for a total of $6.4 million throughout the state.
Thanks to a grant from the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security, the Floyd County Rescue Squad and the city of Allen will be upgrading their equipment, $1,400 for radios and $9,000 for mobile data computers for the city of Allen and more than $13,000 for rescue squad dry suits for the Floyd County Rescue Squad. The Kentucky Office of Homeland Security funded 140 projects for a total of $6.4 million throughout the state.