Saturday, November 13, 2010
GOP Pursues Special Election For Governor
The Republican Party has created a website designed to pressure legislators into demanding a special election to replace Governor Joe Manchin.
Manchin is heading to the U.S. Senate to replace the late Sen. Robert C. Byrd.
Senate President Earl Ray Tomblin is replacing Manchin as acting governor and says he'll wait to hear from the public on whether a new election should be held before 2012.
Senate President Earl Ray Tomblin is replacing Manchin as acting governor and says he'll wait to hear from the public on whether a new election should be held before 2012.
Both Tomblin and House Speaker Rick Thompson are among those who plan to run, whenever an election is held.
The GOP calls the failure to schedule an immediate election a travesty of justice but concedes that current succession law is unclear. Legislative attorneys say the law doesn't allow an earlier vote, but others argue the state Constitution intends otherwise.