Saturday, October 23, 2010
Senate Campaign And Debate Continue

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Rand Paul announced Friday that he would participate in the final campaign debate Monday against Democrat Jack Conway. Paul had said earlier in the week that he was hesitant to do so because Conway attacked his religious faith in a television ad. The hourlong KET debate will consist of questions from Kentucky Tonight host Bill Goodman and KET viewers. It is to air at 8:00 P.M. Monday.
At a Tea Party rally in Paducah Saturday, Paul told several hundred supporters that,
"If we lose, it will be that the Tea Party cannot win an election, that you are too radical, you're too conservative, you believe in the Constitution too much. But if we win, we get the mandate and we get to go to Washington and take back our government."
Meanwhile, Conway campaigned in eastern Kentucky, saying he has fought to protect the coal industry from an overreaching U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and that, as a senator, he would fight to protect miners with stronger safety laws.