Saturday, October 02, 2010
Putnam County Residents To Receive Better Sewer Service

A $12.9 million federal loan to bring sewer service to 448 Putnam County residents along Route 33, Rocky Step Road, and Route 60 has been approved. Also, aging sewer lines within Marina Park, a mobile home community, will be replaced. The project essentially fills in the gap in the service area on Route 33, Teays Valley Road, to the Kanawha River. Marina Park has a sewage collection system that is connected to the Putnam Public Service District but the lines have deteriorated. The Route 60 portion of the project was originally conceived in 1996 and part of it was done then. Sewage from Route 33, the main portion of the project, will go to Nitro for treatment, while sewage from Route 60 and Marina Park will be treated at Hurricane. Ground for the project will probably be broken in early 2012, and construction is expected to take about one year. The Putnam Public Service District currently has 9,762 sewer customers.