Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Lawsuit Filed Against Bayer And West Virginia State University

Portia Gray, the mother of former West Virginia State University student 19-year-old Ra'Sean Gray who died on on September 18, 2008, is suing Bayer CropScience and the school over her son's death. Gray died as a result of exposure to substances released during an explosion at Bayer's Institute plant. An autopsy determined the cause of death was a blood clot in the main artery of the lungs. Bayer spokesman Tom Dover says, based on the company's assessment of the 2008 incident, Bayer continues to believe there was no health risk to the general public. According to the lawsuit, Gray remained indoors at an unspecified location after a shelter-in-place order was issued on the night of the explosion, and, later that night, he returned to his dorm room where the window was open and the room was covered with a dust or soot. There also was a foul-smelling odor.