Thursday, October 21, 2010
KSP Offers Halloween Safety Tips

Before you know it ghosts and goblins will be running in the streets to trick-or-treat and Kentucky State Police want to make sure your kids stay safe this Halloween.
Lt. David Jude, Spokesperson for KSP, says the agency wants the children to have a fun but safe trick or treating experience.
In the excitement of the night, kids often dart across streets. Falls and pedestrian accidents are statistically two of the ways most children are injured on Halloween. Be sure that, as a parent,you accompany your children for their safety and your peace of mind."
Below are some safety tips for adults and youngsters so you can enjoy
this special night:
Make sure your child carries a flashlight, glow stick or has
reflective tape on their costume to make them more visible.
Younger children should be accompanied by an adult or older
Instruct your children not to eat any treats until they have
been checked by an adult.
Make sure your child is able to see out of their mask properly
and can walk in their costume without tripping.
Remind kids not to enter a strange house or car.
Inspect your child's candy before they eat it. Discard any
unwrapped or suspicious looking goodies. If your child does get sick,
call your doctor or the hospital emergency room immediately and save all
wrappers. It is also helpful to determine what he or she ate and where
it came from.
Talk to your children about 'stranger-danger' and the safety
precautions when around someone they do not know.
The KSP also wants to remind those driving on Halloween to be extra
cautious of our small pedestrians.