Thursday, October 28, 2010
KSP Kicks Off TACT Campaign

Crash statistics from KSP indicate that 70 percent of fatal crashes involving large trucks are caused by passenger vehicles. Last year Kentucky had over 8,000 crashes involving commercial vehicles resulting in 114 deaths. In an effort to crackdown on motorists driving recklessly around commercial trucks and on trucks violating traffic laws, the KSP Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division kicked off the 2010 Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks (TACT) campaign Thursday. The first wave of the campaign will run through December and focus on routes heavily traveled by commercial trucks. KSP Commissioner Rodney Brewer says his agency will work alongside local law enforcement partners to provide increased patrols where commercial truck crashes are predominant. Officers will look for aggressive driving behaviors such as following too close, unsafe lane changes, speeding and not leaving enough space when passing large trucks.