Friday, October 01, 2010
Huntington Police Continue Theft Investigation

Police say Joseph Jackson, 31 and Frank Floyd, 25, both of Huntington, were stealing items from a dozen homes in the Enslow Blvd. and southeast hills areas of Huntington which were then being sold at Grandmother’s Attic Antique Store. Jackson and Floyd were arrested on September 20th. Jackson is charged with two counts of daytime burglary and one count of receiving stolen property, while Floyd is charged with two counts of daytime burglary and driving on a suspended license. Virginia Ferguson, 50, the owner of Grandmother’s Attic has been arrested and charged with operating a business without a license. Since the arrests, investigators have recovered approximately $10,000 in stolen property, including electronics, a computer, jewelry, a gun stolen in Kentucky and a silver set valued at $6,000. Friday, members of the Huntington Police Department, Cabell County Sheriff’s Office and W.Va. State Tax Department executed a search warrant at the business and at Ferguson’s residence, while looking for business records. Ms. Ferguson was also served a cease and desist order from City of Huntington.