Friday, October 22, 2010
Hunting Season Approaching

Small game hunters should find good conditions afield and plenty of rabbits when hunting starts on Nov. 1st in central and eastern Kentucky.
Rabbit and quail season this year for the central and eastern part of Kentucky runs from Nov.1 through Nov. 12 and closes for the opening weekend of modern gun deer season. The season opens again in this part of the state on Nov. 15 and runs through Jan. 31, 2011.
The statewide daily bag limit is four rabbits and eight quail.
Some highlights from the 2009-2010 Rabbit Hunting Cooperator Survey Report revealed:
· The average rabbit hunt was two hunters spending about 3.5 hours afield with four dogs.
· December was the most popular month with rabbit hunters.
· Hunters jumped between nearly two rabbits per hour, and harvested around 3 rabbits per hunt.
· Eastern cottontail rabbits comprised 98 percent of the harvest. Kentucky’s other two rabbits are the Appalachian cottontail and the swamp rabbit.