Saturday, September 18, 2010
Mining Industry Takes KFTC Action Seriously

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth said Friday it has created a new political action committee focused on coal and energy. Leaders acknowledged that they won't be able to match coal industry money flowing into election campaigns, but the New Power PAC will start with $100,000 of seed money from dues on issue ads that lay out where candidates stand, rather than endorsing or funding any candidates. Bill Bissett, president of the Kentucky Coal Association, which has its own statewide PAC that receives contributions from individuals, says one hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money, and while they say they're only going to get involved in issues, he's sure their long- range goal is to attack candidates who understand the importance of coal and affordable power. Bissett says, KFTC might not have a large budget, but groups such as the Sierra Club, with similar aims, do have large coffers. The mining industry, which has given about $1.6 million to candidates' election campaigns this year, says it will take KFTC's latest move seriously.