Friday, September 17, 2010
Mine Safety Grants Awarded

Bluefield State College and the United Mine Workers of America Career Centers Inc. have been awarded a total of $154,000 from the Brookwood-Sago Grants Program. The grants were established in honor of the 13 miners who died in the Brookwood Mine explosions in Brookwood, Alabama in 2001 and the 12 miners who died in the Sago Mine explosion in Buckhannon, West Virginia in 2006. Bluefield State College will receive $61,000 which will be used to focus on improving conveyor belt safety training by using Web-based tools. The UMWA Career Centers, which is based in Washington, Pa., but has a field office in Beckely, will receive $93,000 which will be used to develop an interactive computer program that will be used to train and prepare miners for escape procedures for underground mines.