Thursday, August 05, 2010


West Virginia Legislators Focus On Gas Industry

Both coal and natural gas companies have dodged bullets with Senate inaction this summer in the setting aside of cap-and-trade legislation. The "Spill Bill" introduced on July 28th was set aside August 3rd after the gas industry objected to the proposed regulation. According to Corky DeMarco, executive director of the West Virginia Oil and Natural Gas Association, the natural gas industry has no problem disclosing the chemical constituents of fracking fluids, but is not supportive of giving to regulatory agencies those chemicals or additives that go into frack fluid. DeMarco says federal oversight is not needed. The West Virginia DEP has asked gas companies informally to disclose constituents of their hydraulic fracturing fluids. A number of companies have responded, but most have requested the information be held from the public. West Virginia state legislators say, during the next legislative session, they will introduce legislation requiring the industry to provide that information, and they will make it public.

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