Thursday, August 05, 2010
Serial Bank Robber Gets Two Life Sentences

During a hearing in U.S. District Court in Rome, Georgia Thursday, 38 year old Tony Artrip, a serial bank robber from Ashland, Ky. received an early sentence of two life sentences in a federal prison. Prosecutors say Artrip robbed five banks in Michigan, West Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia. In June, Artrip pleaded guilty to multiple counts of armed robbery. Atrip, who also made a habit of escaping from jail, was also ordered to serve three 20-year sentences concurrent with a previous 40-year sentence he is already serving and to pay $100,000 in restitution to the banks he robbed. He was to have been sentenced on August 27th. Because of the federal “three strikes” law, Artrip will not be eligible for parole.