Thursday, August 19, 2010
Patriot Coal Corp. Announces Subpoenae
St. Louis-based Patriot Coal Corp. has revealed that federal investigators have demanded information about methane gas detectors as they investigate questionable safety records at the Federal No. 2 mine in Northern West Virginia. In late April, investigators subpoenaed information about what kind of gas-detecting equipment has used at the mine near Fairview since July 2008. The subpoena also demanded the results of tests on that equipment.
St. Louis-based Patriot Coal Corp. has revealed that federal investigators have demanded information about methane gas detectors as they investigate questionable safety records at the Federal No. 2 mine in Northern West Virginia. In late April, investigators subpoenaed information about what kind of gas-detecting equipment has used at the mine near Fairview since July 2008. The subpoena also demanded the results of tests on that equipment.