Friday, August 13, 2010
MSHA Says UBB Crack Measures 36 Feet Long

This week, the size of a crack found inside the UBB Mine and its potential meaning in the investigation of the April explosion became the focus of the ongoing battle between Massey Energy and MSHA. Massey officials had told the miners families the crack was 100 to 150 feet long and possible evidence that the disaster could not have been prevented. MSHA geologist Sandin Phillipson, who went underground to re-examine and measure the crack, says it measures 36 feet long and appears to be the normal result of the geologic stresses caused by longwall mining. MSHA administrator Kevin Stricklin again disputed Massey's characterization, saying, even if methane escaped from a floor crack, proper safety precautions could have prevented the 29 deaths. Stricklin says steps can be taken and measures can be put in place, and there's no reason for anyone to die because of a methane inundation.