Saturday, August 28, 2010
KSP Post 9 In Pikeville Has New Commander

On August 16, 2010 Captain John McMahan, a 17 year veteran, assumed
command of the Pikeville Post of the Kentucky State Police. Captain
McMahan is a native of Knott County.
After graduating the KSP Academy in 1993 Captain McMahan began his
career working at the Pikeville Post. He has had a wide variety of
assignments throughout his career. He has worked as a Trooper,
Sergeant, and now Captain at Post 9. He has also been the commander at
the Inspections and Evaluations Branch in Frankfort, and has served at
Post 6 Dry Ridge, Post 14-Ashland and Post 13-Hazard.
Captain McMahan has a vested interest in the Pikeville Post community.
He has worked at Pikeville Post for 12 years of his 17 year career. His
wife Georgie is a Pike County native and is from the Upper Chloe area.
He and his wife have four children ranging in ages from 13 to 27. He is
a member of the Black Gold Detachment of the Marine Corps League, a
member of Krypton Masonic Lodge #905, and is a 2009 graduate of the FBI
National Academy. Captain McMahan is also a 2LT in the Ky National
Guard serving with the 617th MP Company- Detachment 1 at Prestonsburg.
East Kentucky Broadcasting welcomes Captain McMahan to Pikeville in his new command position.