Saturday, August 21, 2010
Kanawha County Schools Get Federal "Turnaround" Money

It's a new beginning for five schools in Kanawha County whose principals stepped aside so that their school could receive up to $2 million in federal "turnaround" money. The schools were listed among the lowest performing schools in the state. Riverside's former principal Paula Potter chose to step aside. In return, the school received $444,000 of federal School Improvement Grant money. That money goes towards professional development for the teachers and finding a math and english intervention specialist who will be able to work with individual students to really focus on their needs. The school also is pushing for more parental involvement and will hire a community school liaison to visit students and their parents at home. Other schools whose principals stepped aside so the school could receive federal "turnaround" money include Stonewall Jackson Middle, Cedar Grove Middle, East Bank Middle and Malden Elementary.