Friday, August 06, 2010


Jefferson Business Prevented From Opening

"Secret Pleasures" was set to open Friday in Jefferson, but earlier the Kanawha County Commission issued a restraining order, saying the business is an adult-only story that failed to follow the rules and violated a county ordinance. Owner Kenneth Holliday says only one little 84 square feet corner of his store would contain adult material, and he's just trying to run a legitimate business. However, commissioner Kent Carper says Holliday can call it whatever he wants but the people who live there don't want it. County ordinance states adult stores cannot operate within 2,000 feet of a church or school and define an adult-only store as having "significant or substantial" sexually-related materials. Holliday argues he doesn't even have enough materials to call his place adult, and nothing in this store requires you have to be 21 years old to buy.

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