Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Housing Forum Friday

Pike County has suffered from a housing shortage for some time now. After two disastrous floods in the past 13 months, Pike County’s housing shortage has become a dire situation.
Flash flooding on July 17, 2010, left many people without homes or any possessions for that matter. It is for this reason the Pike County Fiscal Court has assembled a housing forum. The purpose of this event is to discuss long-term housing solutions for people displaced by the recent flooding.
The forum will take place at the East Kentucky Exposition Center on Friday, Aug. 27, 2010, from 1:30 to 3 p.m.
Panelists will include Krista Mills from HUD, Linda Chadwell from USDA Rural Development, Rick McQuady, CEO of the Kentucky Housing Corporation, Travis Weber and Michael Hale from the Department for Local Government, Bob Mitchell from Congressman Hal Rogers’ office, Rep. W. Keith Hall and Rep. Leslie Combs, Sen. Ray Jones and others.
This is an open meeting.