Friday, August 27, 2010
Getting Ready For Modern Gun Deer Season

Picking the right entry and exit route to your treestand or ground blind might be more important to success in deer hunting than where you actually hunt.
Traveling undetected when entering and exiting a hunting area is the real secret to whitetail success. Stay hidden from the keen eyes, ears and noses of deer. If a big buck knows he’s being hunted, you can forget it,” . Chances are you’ll never see him again during the season from that stand. He uses gullies, creeks, standing corn and fencerows to shield his movement.
If downed timber or brush clutters a route, he often goes in before the season and clears the way with a chainsaw. However, mowing paths to treestands with a tractor can cause problems.
Stands should be approached from down wind, or cross wind, as long as the hunter’s scent is not being blown in the direction deer are expected to approach.
Driving tractors and trucks around a hunting area mimics normal farm traffic, and doesn’t alert deer to danger, like a human on foot does. He encourages hunters to set their stands and trim the trees well in advance of the season opening day.
Modern gun deer season opens Nov. 13 statewide. The season runs until Nov. 28 for Zone 1 and Zone 2 counties and until Nov. 22 for Zone 3 and Zone 4 counties.