Saturday, August 21, 2010
Fundraiser Set For Paul Ambrose Trail For Health

Errin Jewell, the public affairs specialist for the Rahall Transportation Institute, says most of the work on the Paul Ambrose Trail for Health is being constructed through federal grants. But donations and other money raised at various local fundraisers do help with the construction. Jewell says eighty percent of every dollar donated goes directly for construction, and the remaining 20 percent is designated for maintenance. The next fundraiser is the second annual FitFest, scheduled from 3:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Saturday, September 11th, at Ritter Park. The event will include a 5K run and walk, a kids' fun run and health screenings. For information about sponsorships or about signing up for any of the events, call 304-696-7098.