Thursday, July 08, 2010
Watch Your Animals Closely

It is supposed to be the hottest spell in three to five years, and that is all the reason to keep a close eye on the animals that may be in your care. It is a must to monitor their health and well-being during the stifling temperatures and high humidity. Fresh water is essential and not causing them to sit on hot concrete or walk on hot asphalt is an irresponsible thing to do. Get them shady areas to lay in.
House pets do not have the natural ability to seek out a cool spot to rest like zoo animals do. Therefore, it is important for owners to monitor their pet's activity throughout the day so they do not overheat. Keep in mind how long you keep your pet in the car when you are out running errands. A car heats up to 110 degrees in just 10minutes on an 80 degree day, so you can only imagine how hot your car will get when temperatures soar into the nineties.