Thursday, July 29, 2010
Walmart Parking Lot Rage

What should have been a minor annoyance turned to a rant and a dangerous situation in a Walmart parking loot in Williamsburg. Josh Griffith had worked at Walmart for just over a year and cleared carts from the parking lot often, but “I’ve never experienced anybody be that mad before,” the 17-year-old said Wednesday. When bunching up a group of carts, he says several of them briefly blocked in a SUV. Griffith says its driver got really irate, to the point of near violence. “He was grabbing the cart pusher, slinging it, pushing it forward, ranting and raving, and screaming at me and stuff,” said Griffith. Griffith says he then moved the carts away, but as the man was backing up he says the situation quickly turned dangerous. Surviellance video from Walmart shows the SUV back up and Griffith says he was nearly hit. After reviewing the tapes, police later caught up with Andrey Botezart at a local water park. He was arrested and charged with wanton endangerment first degree. “Upon interviewing the suspect, he did admit all of it to me, stated he shouldn’t have done it, realized he had done wrong, lost his cool, having a bad day,” said Williamsburg Police Officer Shawn Jackson. Botezat was taken to jail but he's since been released on bond.