Wednesday, July 28, 2010
UK Football Team To Help Pike County Flood Victims

The University of Kentucky Football Team will be at the Christian Appalachian Project warehouse on Thursday July 29th, at 3:00 P.M. to help kickoff CAP's Friends that CARE initiative. The team will help in CAP'S efforts to assist flood victims in Pike County as well as other eastern Kentucky counties. The CAP warehouse, located at 2592 Palumbo Drive, will be accepting donations of furniture, small appliances, air conditioners and canned food items as well as monetary donations to help fund the project. The Christian Appalachian Project is an interdenominational, non-profit Christian organization committed to serving people in need in Appalachia by providing physical, spiritual and emotional support through a wide variety of programs and services to children and their families, the isolated elderly and underserved individuals with disabilities.