Friday, July 23, 2010
State Transportation Studies Route 35 Project

State Transportation Secretary Paul Mattox says the state plans to construct the final 14-miles of the four-lane road in Putnam and Mason counties by the end of 2013 and six construction firms have made the agency's shortlist to be the possible design-build firm on the U.S. Route 35 project. Mattox says those firms will be asked to submit detailed proposals by the middle of next month. During a special meeting Thursday in Beckley, the state Parkways Authority chose its bond underwriters for the project and agreed to the initial phase of a memorandum of understanding with the DOH to make Route 35 a toll road. Plans are to toll a 33-mile section of the highway, most of which has been completed. A toll study is expected to be completed by Labor Day. Mattox says Governor Joe Manchin will soon appoint members to citizens committees in Putnam and Mason counties who will have input on the project, and additional public hearings will be hosted by the Parkways Authority.