Saturday, July 10, 2010
Paul Says Drug Problems Are Local Concern

While attending a meeting in Louisville last week about cutting federal spending, Republican U.S. Senate nominee Rand Paul was asked if he supported Operation UNITE. Paul responded by saying local communities should address and pay for the costs associated to drug abuse and addiction in their areas. Paul's position on drug interdiction is being rejected and considered unrealistic by some officials actively engaged in the fight against drugs in eastern Kentucky. Officials say the drug problem in the region is severe, and cities and counties already hard-pressed to pay for other services can not afford additional costs to fight drugs and treat addicts. Paul said, if he is elected, he would vote to keep Kentuckians' tax dollars at home to deal with issues instead of sending the money to Washington, D.C. where part stays there, part is wasted and part goes to political cronyism. Paul's campaign manager, Jesse Benton, says Paul is deeply concerned about drug abuse, but, as he does with many issues, he favors local solutions over federal control.