Saturday, July 24, 2010
Motions Filed In Sypher Case

James Earhart, the attorney who represents Karen Cunagin Sypher, filed a motion this week saying prosecutors have turned over about 3,100 pages of evidence since March. He says a large volume, including phone records, photos and medical records, makes it difficult to review all the material so close to the trial date. He has asked that thousands of pages of evidence be excluded from the trial. Pitino's attorney, Steve Pence filed a motion Friday asking U.S. District Judge Charles R. Simpson to throw out the subpoena from Karen Cunagin Sypher. Pence says anything he knows about the case is protected by attorney-client privilege. Sypher has pleaded not guilty to charges of retaliating against a witness, lying to the FBI and of demanding from University of Louisville basketball coach Rick Pitino college tuition for her children, her house to be paid off and $10 million. Opening statements are scheduled for Monday, July 26th, in Louisville.