Friday, July 30, 2010
Louisville Man Declares Candidacy For Governor

A Louisville man is throwing his hat into the race for the Kentucky governor's office and hoping to get the support of the Tea Party. Phil Moffett has never held a political office before but he hopes that will work to his advantage.
Of today's political climate, Moffett said, "they are looking, I think, more for people that don't come up through the political ranks and they're looking for people that aren't tainted by that process."
Moffett believes he is that. He's a partner in a tech support company in Louisville, a political unknown and now, a candidate for governor.
"I think all of us have seen the enormous growth of government, the enormous encroachment of government and the subsequent reduction in our personal liberties that come along with that," said Moffett.
Moffett told us he aligns himself with the Tea Party movement and hopes to find support in its members.
"There are different Tea Party organizations across the state and just like voters, I have to go and earn all their respect," he said.
Moffett's only foray into the public arena so far has been as one of the founders of the School Choice Scholarships charity, a private voucher program that operates out of Louisville. Improving education is one of the cornerstones of his now political platform and he supports charter schools to do so.
"The brilliance of charter schools, it allows the free market to enter the curriculum, and teaching and school year type of decisions," Moffett said.
His other main issue: fixing what Moffett says is a bad business environment in Kentucky by reforming the tax code.
"I want to strip that out and convert it to a single-rate consumer sales tax on all goods and services," Moffett said, "so there are no longer the income taxes for individuals, there are no longer the income taxes for companies."
Moffett realizes he has a long road to travel if he wants to go from political newcomer all the way to the governor's office.
"Hard work," he said. "That's really the answer. You get out there and get in front of as many people as you possibly can."
Moffett already has a running mate as well. Mike Harmon will run as Moffett's lieutenant governor. The current state representative from Danville has held that post since 2003.
Running Moffett's campaign is David Adams, former campaign director for Republican senate candidate Rand Paul.